
What's with all the green ?

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Everyone is green, all companies say they care about the enviroment, but I don't see anyone taking real action...

Most of the companies say they support the Go Green or the Think Green or let's be green...

So what are you guys doing, to make this world better ?




  1. Shutting down my computer and going to bed to conserve energy.

  2. Well 2Care saves a foot of rainforest when you send a card!

  3. actually I'm doing a lot without even noticing it right now.

    im using coiled flo

    rescent light bulbs for alot of my lamps and other lighting.

    you can turn off lights when you are not using them or leaving that room.

    when you know you are going to be away from your computer for more then 20 minutes you should turn it off.

    buying things that say that they are good for the environment like environment safe dish soap or for your clothes.

    theres some examples

  4. Took 1000 plastic bags back to Wal Mart.

    It takes 32 years for a plastic bag to deteriorate.

  5. Well no one can save the world. Plus, every one on this planet just doesn't care. so no matter what we do, it'll never be enough.

    Me & my mum recycle, we only have 1 bag of non-recyclble items a week.

    We've changed our light bulbs to enrgy saving bulbs.

    We save water. If we urinate in the toilet, we don't flush it until a few more urinations. I know discgusting, but it saves water.

    We have every single light off in the house unlesss we need it on.

    We take our phone chargers out of the plugs after we use them, that also includes my straightners.

    Even more discusting, mum recycles food. ( aka leftovers)

    I help mum when shes cutting the garden grass & bushes. We recycle the leavs & grass trimmings.

    My mum doesn't drive.

    That's about it.

    Good day.

  6. I am glad you asked this question. My favorite color is green, and the SOB environmentalists have made a mockery out of  green. They claim its to save the fracken planet but it’s also the color of the greenback.

    The world is going to end all in the nine of ninth grade science. Don’t they know that CO2 is harmless, WTF, did that moron Gore do but produce a chart that is *** backwards. He said” it’s the rise in CO2 that causes temperature increase. it’s the temperature increase , that causes the increase the CO2 levels…

    He has half the planet believing in his scam… I hate what they have done to GREEN. Hey, Mr. Environmentalist go c**p yourself, will you.

  7. No More Driving....!!

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