
What's wrong with her eyes?

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Our one yr. old granddaughter eyelids are red with white pimple like bump on her eyelids and under her eyes. Her mother will not take her to the doctor cause she thinks it's just allergies. Our granddaughter rubs her eyes but her eyeballs are not red.

Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong with her eyelids?




  1. It could just be allergies,  but I would take her to the doctor for some medicine so it could stop the itching.

  2. are you retarded heck with your daughter if she puts her own wellfare before her your grand daughters health then she is no mother you have to be the adult and take whatever steps necesary to ensure your granddaughters health

  3. Even if it is just allergies she still needs to go to the doctor for medicine and to find out what she is allergic to. Talk to your granddaughters mother and try to convince her to take her in for your granddaughters sake.

    I also searched on and her symptoms fit the description of Blepharitis and Molluscum Contagiosum

  4. tell her to take her to the doctor

    she needs to be tested even if it is allergies to find out what it is she's allergic to and to get meds to take care of it

    all i see on webmd is allergies

  5. she may have an allergie but also she may be suffring from hay feaver or could just have thin skin !

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