
What's wrong with people?

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In general - we sit back and allow our enviroment to be our enemy. So, what is wrong with people and why have we as a society allowed these troubleing times to inflict a sense of failure?




  1. I'm having trouble with your question, it lacks focus. :-)

    "In general - we sit back and allow our enviroment to be our enemy. So, what is wrong with people and why have we as a society allowed these troubleing times to inflict a sense of failure?"

    It's a way of diverting blame. There's nothing I can do about it, so it's all 'their fault,' not mine."

    "What's wrong with people?"

    The biggest core problem? SELFISHNESS. It can be summed up in one philosophy, that nearly everyone holds dear but no one will ever admit it:

    "If it's not about ME, it SUCKS!"

  2. Wow!  What a question.  I'm not even sure what you are really asking.  What do you mean by allowing the environment to be our enemy?  Are you an environmentalist-type or opposed to environmentalists?  I'm not sure that a sense of failure has been inflicted.  Nevertheless, I'll give some feedback.

    First, what I think is wrong with a lot of people is that most folks under 60 years of age today in the USA have had things pretty good.  Our country has been pretty safe from war, we've had good jobs, a good economy, most of us have not suffered from severe hunger or poverty.  In other words, there has been a large and prosperous middle class.  That, in my opinion, has led to wide spread intellectual and civic laziness.  Many people are focused on feverish consumerism, and mindless c**p like trash tv, electronic games, and they're not keeping up with what's going on in  politics and they are not broadly educated - knowledgeable about history, politics, science, social science, literature, art, etc.

    In short, we've become fat, lazy, stupid and and selfish and we expect everything to be easy so we can devote our time to trivial time wasters.  When anything threatens our lazy lifestyle, we become shrill & basically act like an infant that is very hungry.  We scream & throw a temper tantrum.

    Then there are those who are intellectually curious and who try to keep informed about the world & have actually studied lots of things & have very broad interests and considerable intellect and those are the people upon whom we are dependent to rescue us for self-destruction.  Kinda like the children's story about the ant and the grasshopper.

    We should be very nice and respectful of the ants in our world.  We owe everything to them.

  3. we sit back and allow our enviroment to be our enemy. So, what is wrong with people and why have we as a society allowed these troubleing times to inflict a sense of failure?

  4. People are just lazy. They want somebody else to take the first approach

  5. though your question can be construed vaguely,Ill say it's because people dont care anymore,its too much trouble to stand up for the right things,if there is nothing to gain.We all just became complacement and lazy.On the other hand if you mean the environment and global warming,then there is no such thing as they state.

  6. plain and simple, people are stupid, esp, the ones who vote for obama

  7. Ill tell ya whats wrong with people. EVERYTHING thats why I am a VAMPIRE

  8. you can't say 'we' but u can merely say 'many' becuase i nore millions of other do nto just sit back and allow or enviroment to be our enemy, i am part of the world wide dream that hopes that new far from now we will all see a better world and to achive that hope we are working d**n hard so please dont sum all people up.

  9. I don't think of the government as my enemy.  I just feel they have used ideology to make their decisions instead of looking at how those idealistic decisions have effected the citizens.  As an example, pure capitalism; a strong belief of many people but the results stink.  It should be very obvious that there must be regulations or we all loose out except for the corporations.  Globalization is another one that doesn't seem to be working out well for the ordinary citizen economically.  They need to start using common sense.  Is anybody running on the common sense ticket?

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