
What's your biggest fear?

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I don't mean such things as spiders, snakes, airplanes, clowns, but as an LGBT person what is it that scares you the most about your life, or where it is heading.




  1. Lonely.....

  2. Losing the ability to f**t is my greatest fear.

  3. Coming out to my daughter when the time is right...

  4. death im afraid that i will die at any point in my life and i won't be able to od the things that iv always wanted to do like go sky diving naked with my boyfriend

  5. dying  

  6. loneliness, be outed in this particular difficult moment at home, and unfulfilment.

  7. Leaving my job one night and having a bunch of "billies" beat the s*** out of me or worse because I'm a L*****n.  

  8. Getting too old. I'm not scared of being elderly. but i'm scared of that point where you cease to have a life and rely on your family/friends to bail you out when you fall over. my neighbour is stubborn and doesn't wanna stay in a home but can't cope next door and we're forever having him in and out of hospital at the moment cause we can't help him. poor guy. it makes me feel sad. i don't wanna get to the point where i feel useless. i'd prefer to end it myself, but who knows with a bti more age and insight i may change my mind...

  9. going blind!

    not being able to have kids without loads of ivf ****! and adoption ahh!

  10. When I'm gone who will take care of everybody? And what will happen to my stuff?

    EDIT:Oh, and vaginas scare the h**l out of me.

  11. Well this has nothing to do with LGBT but my greatest fear is outliving my children.

  12. Being poor again like I was when I was a kid. I am not rich by any means but I am not dirt poor. Going to bed hungry is the worst.  

  13. my fear is of coming out but truly coming out/accepting it myself,but the fear of being on my own as i have for the last 7 yrs is beginning to force me to think maybe it's time to do something about really scared!

  14. Meeting people like you!!   your weird man!

  15. Coming out and putting shame on my family. No seriously, that's why I've decided it's my own business and none of theirs.

    Something that's bothered me for sometime is that I'm scared that I will follow into the path of being L*****n. Sounds silly because it's just part of the stereotype that bi's have but who knows what might happen? My feelings for men are slowly diminishing and I find myself less and less interested in them nowadays. Can't be bothered chasing one anymore.

    Good question though.

    What about you?

    Much Love


  16. Having a Stroke is my biggest fear.  All my grandparents and both my parents had them so it's almost guaranteed that I will, and probably my brothers too.  If it happens I'd rather die than spend even a day as my mum or dad did.  It's a living death for some people.  

    Edit:  WIll you be sharing your fear too?

  17. Running out of shopping money... xx

  18. A range of things.

    I'm scared of dying alone, or dying without being loved in return.

    Due to some scary dreams, I now fear going blind.

    I'm scared of never getting to where I want to be, because I look around at those I hold dear to me and they've all not achieved what they want to. They've all sacrificed most if not ALL of their dreams.

    But more than that right now, I'm scared that my mum will die alone and depressed. She has never truly recovered from when her partner died in a car accident several years ago, and she's been desperately unhappy since.

    I'm also scared that things won't pick up for my brother. He's 25, and had been going through a 'bad spell' temporarily when he was a little older than I am now. Unfortunately his 'bad spell' has gotten worse over these past few years and it's getting serious. I'm trying to help him get his life back on track, but it's not easy.

    I also have a couple internet acquaintances abroad who are desperately unhappy and I've come to be great friends with them. They seem to be bombarded with a constant stream of challenges and talking to them have made me see the reality that life is difficult, and **** does happen, and adults aren't invincible. This has also made me fearful.

    My final fear is regarding my grandparents. My grandmother has Parkinson's and is struggling more and more, and now relying very heavily on my grandfather and my mum. It's pretty safe to say my grandmother won't be around in a couple year's time, but they've been married 60 years and I don't see how, if one goes, the other'll cope.

    They're my real fears. I may have the odd fear of a large spider, or drowning, but the above fears are the cripplers.

    Simon :).

  19. Living without health care and health insurance.   This is scary now, and it doesn't look to be changing any time soon.

  20. being alone when i am older...

  21. myself.

    i just cant work out why.

  22. Im scared everytime i get an idea about what i want in life something comes and rips it apart.

  23. Getting murdered because people think being g*y is wrong...

    No im not really scared. Just makes me sad how cruel the world is to each other even though we're the same inside...for the most part.

  24. being old and alone, with nobody around...........thats why i plan to get married and adopt a child!

  25. I fear my life is never going to change and I'm always going to be heartbroken. I'm having a bad day today! I hate this feeling! Help!!

  26. I came about a millisecond from having a major car crash yesterday, and I can honestly say that the thought of death didn't scare me.

    But the thought of people going through my computer after I'm dead gives me the shivers.

    On a serious note, I agree with Me, Myself. I don't mind dying, but I wouldn't want to have a stroke and be left completely dependent on others for the rest of my life.

  27. Getting AIDS.

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