
What's your favorite Shakespeare Quote?

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What's your favorite Shakespeare Quote?




  1. "You dare bite your thumb at me, sir?"

    You might find a place to submit your favorite quotations, Shakespearen or not.

  2. Tut, I have done a thousand dreadful things

    As willingly as one would kill a fly;

    And nothing grieves me heartily indeed

    But that I cannot do ten thousand more.- Aaron The Moor

    He was so wonderfully evil and unrepentant like Iago from Othello.

  3. "I burn, I pine, I perish," Lucentio seeing Bianca, and experiencing love at first sight, in "The Taming of the Shrew"

  4. "With love's light wings did I o'er perch these walls,

    for stoney limits cannot hold love out." ........Romeo and Juliet


    "'I hate', from hate away she threw,

    And saved my life saying 'not you'." .....sonnet 145

  5. Goodnight, sweet prince.  And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest

    Forsooth thou art a wench

  6. I've always really loved this one.. think it's so deep and meaningful :)

    "And this above all unto thine own self be true and it shall follow as the day the night - thou can'st not then be false to any man."

  7. To be, or not to be; that is the question. - Hamlet

    Out! Out! Damned spot!!  - MacBeth (for when I'm doing the laundry)

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