
What's your favorite Twlight paragraph?

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I was wondering what your favorite passage from Twlight is. Include the page number please :)




  1. lol first answer was awesome!

    i love twilight but i dont think i love it enough to have a fav paragraph =/

  2. from twilight itself? i actually really like the chapter from the hospital. and the letter. sorry no pages. and for the series, my favorite part was the beginning of the third book in breaking dawn

  3. none because they're all bad


  4. I love too many. One of them is on page 273 in chapter 13 "Confessions".  It is the whole paragraph, but I love it at the end when Edward says "You are the most important thing to me now.  The most important thing to me ever."  That is a great paragraph.

    Another one is on page 294 chapter 14, "Mind over Matter"  when Edward says he watches her when she sleeps and stuff.  Then he says "If I could dream at all it would be about you." <33333

    I love the whole paragraph on page 403 chapter 19 "Goodbyes", and Edward and Bella are leaving each other to go separate ways.  It is so romantic <3!

    Oh and pages 417 to 418 chapter 20 "Impatience", when Edward and Bella talk on the phone for the first time since they separated.  It is so cute.

    When  Edward finds Bella almost dieing pages 453, and 456 and the top of 467.  That is when Edward keeps saying he loves Bella, and stuff.

    Finally I love the last page of the book :).

    I have a lot more but it is too much to type, so there are some of my favorites.  

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