
What's your favourite water sport?

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my favourite is probably bodyboarding but i haven't ever gone surfing so i'm not sure




  1. I love all water sports, but right now it is scuba diving, you can do it in any temp of water.

  2. Sea Kayaking. The freedom on water, the feeling of paddling with or against the current and wind and having finger food n expeditions are so much fun. Out in the open water, is just u and the great nature, looking land masses from a different angle. Get Wet!

  3. water polo

  4. Body Boarding is great good fins and board and you are set. Can tackle any sort of wave and go hard. Just learn to duck dive if in big surf. A lot of stand up surfers are held back from reef breaks

  5. Kayak surfing, sea kayaking and white water kayaking!!! Wooh! and no they're not always the same thing, usually!

  6. SWIMMING x]

  7. diving.

  8. Wakeboarding!!!!

  9. muff diving.

  10. wet t-shirt

  11. Surfing been doing it for over 23 years now and everytime I go I still get a real buzz.

  12. SURFING!!! You should try it.

  13. I like sailing(both singles and in pairs), scuba diving, canoeing and snorkeling(though it's not a sporty sport). I'm 14 and i've got certificates in all of these

  14. big water slides

  15. The horizontal water-bed slide.

  16. Jet skiing, THE BEST

  17. anything that you get pulled by a boat.

  18. Underwater hockey! Without a doubt the greatest sport in the world!

  19. Definitely Water Polo all the  way!!!

  20. It's a tie between surfing and rowing (crew). Could I pick two more opposite sports?!

    Rockaway Beach for life!! East Coast rules!

  21. Easy question... SCUBA diving!!

  22. Wakeboarding, water-skiing, windsurfing - LOVE 'EM ALL!

  23. my favorite water sports are Scuba Diving & Swimming

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