
What's your opinion about China?

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  1. i dont support china and what they do  

  2. its a country. with a lot of ppl. yup. thats about all that pops up when i first start thinking about china.  

  3. It's very nice but I usually just use the ordinary dishes for everyday.

  4. Mixed feelings.

    While I am happy they're finally being recognised as a World Power and that they're better off now with much less poverty, I still don't want them ruling the World.

    I value the freedom the West gives and wouldn't want to be living in a China-run World where your internet gets edited and monitored and you can never read up on any interesting controversial/opposing views.

    Also, they can try and improve their human rights too while they're at it.

  5.   All of you are wrong!

      People there always have enough rights that you don't.

      According to the Olympic games,I believe that the whole world will know China firstly.

    In fact,Chinese live  happily .


  6. b******s. We give them all our business & they give us **** with lead paint etc.. I just got my daughter a my little pony toy made in china, only to find out one of those idiots smeared a big booger on the bottom. It is def going right back.

  7. depends on where you are in China.

    The south-eastern coast- big city (Shanghai), humid weather, heat waves, environmental problem with the natural wetlands and swamps, and people speaking the Wu language which the northerners regard as gibberish. and why is this in the LGBT section?

  8. There's a lot of people living there.

  9. If they can get thousands  of entertainers to operate in unison with great precision, can you imagine what they can do with hundreds of thousands of soldiers?.

    They are evil, communists and great human rights violaters.  They are not a friend to the West and the back-thought of the Olympics was propaganda

  10. I have to agree with Rory.  Our greatest enemy is the one masquerading as a friend.  Almost all of our consumer goods come from communist China and we keep snapping them up.  China has us by the short hairs.  They have spies in almost every industry reporting back to their home country. Everything we can manufacture here, they can do better and cheaper, because their workers have no rights.  We should take all the US companies that are in China now to task for Human Rights abuses, for they are responsible for the contribution to slave labor in China.  The only reason large US companies are in China is to give their CEO's larger and larger pay.  What else are they going to do with all that money?  Invest in the US? No, they are continuing to build their military.  Scary, isn't it? Wouldn't you like to be told exactly how many children you can have?  Wouldn't you like to have a government official come to your home and tell you that your baby will be enrolled in an Olympic program starting at age 2 and there is nothing you can do about it?  Think about some of these things.  The media refuses to even call the country what it really is: Communist.  They are polar opposites of what we stand for here in the US.  And just like us, it's not the people who are at fault, it's their government.

  11. This southern neigbore is dangere,good that in Siberia too cold for growing their rice,millions of migrants could invade my land,but what's my opinion? Its very very clever nation,may be people are not so rich like in East China,but this nation very kind to guests,i think China have about few million of g**s if to compare with billion 300 millions nation,lol...

  12. Don't lyk them...not the people them selves but the country as a whole...they refuse to sign any environmental agreements, human rights are terrible and they build such crappy quality building they look cool but they fall apart...they're one child policy was ruthless but very successful which i respect but in general don't lyk communists and oppressive governments.

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