
What's your opinion on tipping?

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lol I knew this question would make people angry - people who expect tips might as well go and sit in the streets and beg!

Sara S: like I said you proved my point my saying that you would spit in my coffee - that just shows that you are a horrible, nasty person who puts on an act and pretends to be nice just to get extra money - You sell out for the cash! Prostitute springs to mind




  1. You're reasoning is based on selfish entitlement.

    Tipping, as in many things is the result of being and ACTING appreciative when you're served a meal or being served in general.

    I presume in your office there are clients you serve, which is what your boss basis your salary on--and you have that security of a salary.

    No, it's not your problem that people are paid 2-3$ an hour to wait tables, and you don't have to tip either. But the ungenerous  heart you carry in your chest is going to cause you REAl problems.

    And there is nothing more unattractive in a person, than to be stingy...but you know that, don't you?

    If I served you, I'd spit in you coffee every time I saw you come into my station----!


  2. Tipping is not optional in America, it's a standard. If the food service industry actually paid servers, fair wages, there would be no need for tips. For many, it's their main source of income. True there are some losers out there too, who are completely undeserving of tips. For the most part, you should tip a server 15%-20% of the bill if their service was good. Lower to nothing if not.  

  3. it is customary to tip in the service industry, a waitperson is there to please your wishes. if you do not wish to tip according to custom i suggest you stay out of any service establishment, as you are not welcome there.

  4. Phantasm I totally agree with you. I have always found tipping offensive.


  5. Some jobs in America pay at a rate below the minimum wage because its "known" that tips make up the rest.  That doesnt mean that the tips need to be a set amount.  If you get great service, leave a good tip.  Bad service, bad or no tip.  Skycaps and bell hops usually get one or two buck per bag.  If you had to wait a long time to get your bags, it would be fine to deny that guy a tip.  If you got you bags right away, he was right to ask.  Yes people have a choice where to work, and paths they take.  You work in an office and get paid the same, whether perform well or have an off day.  People who work for $3.50 and hour, and count on the tips for the rest, well, if they have an off day, they go home with less money. I think thats fair

  6. you tip them if they have given extra effort in there job

  7. Tipping is not the rule here in Australia. I will leave a little extra if I enjoy the meal and get good service etc but I will not calculate the amount down to the last cent. If I don't leave anything that does not mean I did not enjoy the meal or receive good service. However, wages in Australia are pretty good, still low for that kind of job, but pretty good. 'They should have got a better paid job' ? Someone is going to have to bring you your food and clear your table until they develop robots sophisticated enough to handle that task. How dare you look down on some one just because they do a particular job. It's high time we stopped assessing someones worth and their value to society or the world by the type of job they do! A banker or executive in a company has less effect on my life than someone who facilitates my having a good meal with fine wine with my friends and family. Why do we pay so much to the wrong people? Pay the cleaners more! Pay the people who keep society running!

  8. I honestly couldn't imagine being a waiter/waitress. you constantly have to have a smile on your face, be polite as h**l no matter what, and if you get orders wrong with the wrong customer they will bite your head off. I couldn't do it (and this is coming from someone who used to work as a daycare teacher for 4 years). I do it as a "thank you for you service." gratitude. but 15% is quite a bit. you'll take what I can afford and you'll take it with a smile :)

  9. The origin of tipping actually comes from the acronym T.E.P.S. which stood for "To ensure proper service". When the idea was first brought to life, the "teps" would be presented before the service was even provided. So you would offer money to ensure proper service, as you were seated.

    It has since been twisted to what it is now.

  10. I believe in tipping but as you point out, it should be optional and given only when it is deserved otherwise there is no point. it is meant to be a reward for good service and it gives the staff an incentive to give good service.

  11. In the U.S., tipping is common,very common-though it's considered rude to ASK for a tip from someone.My philosophy is if you don't want to tip or can't afford to tip or are just too cheap then stay out of restaurants and hotels.Different countries have different traditions.By the way,tipping should only apply to good service situations only.

  12. Phantasm, I could not agree more.

    It is their employers handing out a hidden charge to the consumer (you) because they won't pay them properly. NOT your problem.

    It is ridiculous, and I will only tip if a waitor has made a special effort to help me, eg, being quick and efficient, and polite. Bringing the bill without making me wave my hand around for half an hour. Then, they get a small complementary pound or so.

    If someone stood there like that expecting their tip, and when you clearly did not want to, to have the nerve to state that is what they are standing there for. Gosh, I'd have done the same.

    Americans are very brainwashed that they feel obliged to pay these people to do their jobs, when it is their job, and their employers responsibility. As a nurse, I do not accept gifts from patients, and sometimes people offer you tens of thousands of pounds for saving their lives. Why should they accept money? To me, that is unprofessional. And I think it is undignified to accept it, it is putting the customer in a position of power to decide how much the other gets. It's horrible.

    A professional does not take sly handouts on the side from their customers, patients or anyone else. They do their job, efficiently, properly and helpfully because they are a professionally minded person (regardless of what job it is). I was a checkout operator as a student and got no tips, despite being on minimum wage. I still served the customers with a smile and helped them as best I could because I was a helpful, valuable employee and I wanted to keep my job. I was aware anyone could replace me - it is unskilled work. They should discipline their employees if they are spitting in coffees and food. It's a health risk, a very serious one. I don't live my life under the threat of that. It's disgusting. You pay for a professionally made meal, you don't pay for someone's saliva on it. If you have to pay them to NOT spit on your food? Then I would not go there. Totally backwards.

  13. Wow!  You sound bitter.  I am happy to tip healthy for good service.  I have always believed that good tippers have been in the service industry at some point.  I was a bartender in college and now I am in a position that allows me to do for others what was done for me with a generous (if deserved) tip.

  14. 1st they get paid about $2.00 an hour to do there job.  I generally tip 20% if I receive good service.  If the service was so bad, I would ask to speak to a manager as I was leaving.  xox

  15. I think the concept of tipping is absolutely ludicrous. Particularly the fact that in America it seems like tips pretty much make up a person's salary. They should just change the system so they're paid more and tips aren't needed (as much, anyway). I really don't see how someone simply doing their job (especially such simple, if irritating, ones) warrants me going out of my way to give them extra money, but at the same time, it's unfair that they're underpaid in the first place. It's an all around screwed up system.

    But if tipping is really that necessary in America, I think it's fair that you should probably tip, or at least be polite about it if you don't.

    But yeah, the idea someone will sabotage your food for the sake of a couple of bucks is just disgusting.  

  16. stuff tipping and stuff giving thanks to cops and firemen saving people, they are paid to do that. I would do same with out thanks or tip, if you need tip you are a looser.

  17. 15% at a restaurant, minimum...10% @ hair salon...barrista? none, cause i don't tip @ taco bell either

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