
What's your study technique??

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hi,I have a got a huge problem concentrating on my studies.

I don't the technique or strategy to be successful student.

I study from home and I've exams coming in a few month,

could you share me your ways of study pls????




  1. ok, i have alot of study ways but my top ways are right it down five times it actually helps you remeber it alot better. also study in a period of time for like a half hour a night, and on the last night before the test go threw everything make sure you have it down. now this one is a bit different but make up a song or a saying. also quiz your self a few times and then ask a friend if they will quiz you out of order. you have to make sure its out of order

  2. I know this is weird, but I can't be in a total quite place because I'll start day dreaming, but I can't be in a place that has alot of noise either because then I can't concentrate on my work. I've found that the best way to get my work done is listening to my iPod, so there's something to keep from day dreaming, but there's also no noise to distract me.

  3. A lot of being a good student is dependent on your ability to know yourself and your needs. If I hear anyone talking, I can't concentrate on my work. I can't tune out words. It's a pain in the ***. I also have unusually sensitive ears -got 'em tested and everything- so I have a really rough time when I'm trying to concentrate in most places.

    There are a few basic things you can do. Work in a clean, quiet, well-lit place that's free of distractions. If you have to read a short story for English, it's fine to do that on your bed, but analyzing the story should be done at a quiet desk. Because of my home situation, the library is the best place for me to study.

    Wherever you study, be sure to have all the supplies you need before you start to work. This obviously includes paper, pencils, books, and perhaps a calculator, but also anything that helps you focus. If I listen to wordless music I know by heart, I can tune out the music and focus on my studies. I prefer listening to the Goldberg Variations; a very nice group of relaxing Baroque pieces. I focus better when I can drink a lot, so I sneak a water bottle in if I can.

    Don't try to do too much all at once. Break everything down in to little pieces and set manageable goals. Instead of going in without a clear objective, or deciding that you're going to read the whole chapter and write five pages in an hour and a half, look at what needs to be done and set reasonable goals. For example, tomorrow, over the course of about two and a half hours, I plan on getting half of my math done, doing 15 chemistry problems, and going through a history lecture. Now, I'd be setting myself up for failure if I took a table up front, dumped everything out in front of me, and tried to do it all in 45 minutes with one of those tiny library pencils. I have a really hard time focusing, so I set up on a table near the back and set really easy goals. First, listen to the history lecture and take notes. Then, do something completely unrelated for 5-10 minutes as a break. Then, do 5 chemistry problems. Then take another 5 minute break. Then another 5 problems. Then another break. Then the final 5, and another, longer break. After that, I'll work through the math at whatever pace will work, with breaks when I start to lose focus.

    The point of that little exposition was to show how you can get a lot of things done if you set easy goals. Instead of being in my room -somewhere fun- trying to get to the end of my chemistry book in a day -impossible-, I'm in the library -not as fun- trying to do a few problems -slightly less impossible-.

    Don't let yourself be crippled with excuses. "I couldn't study because..." or, "I just couldn't concentrate because..." will never get you anywhere good. I was diagnosed with ADHD; I know it's hard to stay focused. I didn't get anywhere in 8th or 9th grade, and now I'm making pretty good progress catching up, mainly because I've figured out how to approach studying. It's not always fun, and usually isn't easy, but it's not impossible. You can do it.

  4. I would suggest finding the environment that helps you learn best.  

    Do you prefer quiet?  music?  low background noise?

    Bright lights or low lighting?

    Outside or inside?

    Sitting at the kitchen table or lounging on the couch?

    Also consider your learning style.  That will influence the way you best take in and remember information.  If your an auditory learner, you may want to record the information and listen to it played back.  If you are a visual learner, you may want to use flash cards.  If you are a kinesthetic learner, you may want to listen to study tapes while jogging or playing basketball.  

    Here's some information on learning styles:

    Here are some test taking tips:

    Hope that helps!

  5. I always found that having someone help me study was always useful to keep me on track! It helps because they keep you on target. Make flash cards. Hand them the book and let them ask random questions. It doesn't have to be a friend, they can be more of a distraction some times, it could be a parent, sibling, aunt, uncle or grandparent (you get the idea).

    Good Luck!

  6. listen to music thats what i do

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