
What Age Were You Potty Trained?

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I ask this because I was 5 before I finally went to the bathroom on my own.

I have a theory of why it took me so long.

I was just a little under 3 when my Mom really tried to train me.

She was pregnant with my sister and didn't want two children in diapers at the same time.

She was insistent so it made me back off I guess.

Then when my sister was born, I saw her getting all the attention.

I think this was my way of regressing to get some of her attention.

My Mom and Dad both really got on me at 4 and said I'd be the only kid to take a diaper bag and Pampers to kindergarten to scare me.

It wasn't until my sister started to train at just a little after her second birthday, I was willing to go since I didn't want her to be trained before me.

So I got it down finally at 5 years and 5 months.

Do you think there is something wrong since it took me so long, or was it just a rebellion thing?




  1. About 17 days old I was.

  2. I was potty trained at 19 months

  3. I think it was just a rebellion thing.

    I was potty trained at 2.

  4. Rebellion can have you doing some pretty silly things.  I think it was either rebellion or fear of losing your place.

  5. don't know, but most likely by 3, because i remember crapping my pants once at 3....and thinking it was a i wasn't really sure what was going on, but not wearing a diaper......

  6. hard to could have been a rebellion thing...but since she started to train you at 3 you should have learned then before the second child...i am thinking possibly you may have had some medical issues that were just simply immature at the kids that wet the bed til 12...its not their fault...nor do i think it was your fault...i dont know when i was personally trained...but both my kids were completely accidents at all before 3 yrs old....

    kelly b

  7. Potty.. What is this magical device you speak of?

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