
What Amendment talks about ????????????????????

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What was or is that Africans Americans faces as Preventing of Voting????

The Theme is : Preventing of Voting

Problem Faced by Africans Americans

(Preventing of Voting)???

Please help ???




  1. amendment?--like in the constitution?----i don't think there is such an amendment------not in america any way

  2. The 14th Amendment is the critical one, because it requires the states to treat people equally. The states control voting. The 14th Amendment is the Constitutional basis for the Voting Rights Act. In fact, the whole Bill of Rights did not apply to the States (but only the federal government) until the 14th Amendment was ratified.

  3. The 13th and the 15th amendments both take care of that issue.

    The 13th amendment was ratified in 1865.

    The 15th in 1870.

    *Cybershark- Amendment 15: The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not  be denied or abridged by the United states or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

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