
What Are Some Natural Highs...?

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Well, as the question suggests, I'm looking for naturally occuring substances which cause highs... And that are available, you know... Nothing like DMT which I hear is practically impossible to find...

Well, I'd say I'm a light weed toker, and I've done mushrooms once, and am going to try salvia after exams... but are there any others that I've missed? Because it seems drugs these days are just chemicals, and I promised myself I'd never use chemicals as recreational drugs...




  1. Yeah just stick to Marijuana its as natural as it gets and plus you dont have to worry about becoming a drug addict. Its truly a healing herb.

  2. Go for the Runner's High!

    Besides the countless health benefits associated with running that we all already know, running releases endorphins. Simply put, this keeps you better than prozac-happy.

    It's practical too - a 25-minute jog works wonders for me. Try it.

  3. ROTFL

    Weed is a chemical substance as well.

    Try doing breathing techniques as in Pranayama Yoga, you can get higher than a kite with just the fire breath.  Which if you do it longer than they teach, you hypervenlate and can even pass out.

    Also Hypnosis is a high and can get you there without anythihg but your mind.

    Control your mind, control yourself.

    My sister did drugs.. The good ones.. she was a hippie and now lives on the street due to mis use of her mind and life

  4. dont do it can kill... best way: prayer

  5. UM s*x is better than any drug I've tried. But understand what your trying to get at, "jimson seeds" make you trip real bad.

    Often you do things and can't remember at all like braking in somebodies house, taking your clothes off.

    They also are hard to find unless you have a plant near you.  "old morning seeds" are probably less intense, and you can get them from any store that sells seeds...... pretty much all drugs are chemicals, but some are naturally occurring chemicals. But if your willing to use hallucinates, I don't know why it would matter if they were "natural"

  6. Runners high just go jogging.

  7. sells the most potent extract I've ever tried.  They also have a ton of info on the subject.  I also love Kratom, my other favorite herb; it's like opium, but legal. sells some trippy shiet!

  8. Salvia does not get you high!

    Salvia divinorum is not a marijuana substitute. It's like a quick (lasting only about 5 minutes for me) weird, almost out of body experience. I became a moving chain, pulsing to a beat, or a huge white sphere made up of puzzle pieces. You forget that you're YOU, on salvia, and you become part of something else. And it only lasts a few minutes. It's not like MJ, where you're just kind of silly for a few hours.

    Also, try Morning Glory seeds, that's a big more like pot, and it's legal of course.

  9. prayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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