
What Can I do???????????

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Now that I'm becoming open about myself.. My so called friends cant except that i'm emo what can I do?




  1. Get new friends.

    Even though I don't like any labels, such as 'emo'. (and in my personal opinion, the meaning of those labels change all too often) If you are 'emo' because that is genuinely the way you would normally act, and people don't accept you for who you are, don't waste you time on them.  

  2. What the heck is EMO?  Is that wear kids wear all black or something? Just what is that all about?

  3. I think it's unhealthy to label yourself.  Don't put yourself into just one group. Be yourself.

    If you're being yourself and your "friends" don't like you the way you like yourself then they're not worth it are they? Don't waste your time. Find friends that love you for who you are!

  4. Maybe you should grow up and realize that you are not a genre of music?

  5. There not true friends if they can't except you.  

  6. Well, your friends feel that they have known you for a while, and that they really know who you are.  Suddenly, you come to this startling 'revelation' that you're emo, and you arn't the same friend that they've had all these year.  They feel like you are changing too quickly, possibly for attention, and that you are trying to be somebody you are not.  I had this happen with a friend of mine who decided she was emo one day, changed her wardrobe, music collection and attitude. Suddenly, she was left with no friends.  Be who you are, don't lable yourself, and keep your head on your shoulders.  Friendship goes 2 ways, not one, so you might need to keep a tight grip on your friends, too.  Whatever you really are, try to make your friends understand that this is who you have been all along.  Take things slowly.

    Oh, and please, don't go around calling yourself emo.  That annoys the c**p outta everybody. Seriously.  There is nothing worse than labeling yourself.

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