
What Can We Do????????????????

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so it all started last Friday. My bestfriend broke up with her boyfriend (they had been dating for about 11 months), and every since then he has been going crazy. He parks his car outside of our apartment everyday, he calls us at numerous times at 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock and 4 o'clock in the morning.........he's just crazy and it's really starting to scare us! We have only been living in the apartment for approx. a year, and we love it there, and it'll be hard for us to move.

We've been staying at my boyfriend's house every since Monday, and even though he prosist he doesn't mind, I know we MUST be getting on his nerves because of the fact that our entire relationship is basically on hold. I don't want to stay hiding from this crazy freak forever.

What can we do? Should we go to court? Should we sue? We really need help because this is getting completely out of control.




  1. Contrary to popular belief you do not have to wait to get a restraining order.  Go to court ASAP and get a temporary restraining order and then call the police if you see him or he calls.  You can get one of these orders in a matter of hours untill you can get a more permanent one.  This type of behavior he is exhibiting is puting both of you in danger and it is important that you get a restraining order against him now.  As soon as you have 2 hours or so go to the courthouse.  I don't want anything to happen to you because you don't get one!!!!

  2. You can call the police when you see him outside and explain the situation. They will tell him to move along and now you will have a record of him being there.

    This will help with the whole restraining order thing. And yes you can get a temporary restraining order. It might seem like a hassle but you already have a hassle. Plus you never know what a person like this is capable of....... do it before someone gets hurt.  

  3. I would first suggest that you make it clear that what he's doing is NOT an OK thing to do.

    If after that he continues this behavior, then you can file for a restraining order.

  4. After all the words, and if he still doesn't get it. I agree with the last person..Go to court..and get this handled. You don't need to be worried about this guy who is obviously hurt and confused right now!

    Good luck to you both!

  5. dial 911, or at least call the cops.  

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