
What DEFINES a person?

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I remember reading somewhere some guy saying that he's slept with many married women. Very unapologetic and bragging almost about it. When asked if he ever thought about the husband he said "why would I?" I don't give a sh*t basically. . .

That stuff kills me!

So my question is what defines a person? Sure you can put on an act in public. This guy can give to charity's, help out the homeless. But at the end of the day he's still sleeping with other people wives.

What in essence defines a human a person really?

This is not just a cheating question. . .




  1. Actions still seem to speak louder than words.   I think that 'intent' is also very revealing.  Then again, the road to h**l is paved with good intentions.

  2. "Gandhi, the Man:  The Story of His Transformation," Eknath Easwaran, Ph.D., is good, as are

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock,

    "Expectng Adam," Martha Beck,

    "Soul Traveler," Albert Taylor,

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis,

    "The Path of the Higher Self" and "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet,

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi,

    "Autobiography of a Yogi," Yogananda.

    Basically, the measure of a person is their purity and balance regarding the love, wisdom, and power which they exercise and demonstrate.

  3. the decisions you make define you.

  4. I suppose it would be the person's character or the lack of it that is most telling.How we live our life, our words and actions will basically tell people what we are.

  5. People are judged by how they judge themselves. If I saw myself as a loser, then other people would see me as the same thing. If I express confidence, then people will see me as a confident person.  The same applies to any emotion, love, hate, charitable,etc. The guy in your example has obviously defined himself as a no good lousy stinking cheater who doesn't respect himself or anyone else. That's what he wants to be. Frankly, I can't see myself arguing with him.

  6. Your actions, beliefs and what you leave behind after your gone.

  7. definitely your haircut.  

  8. Their Actions.

  9. Well, your argument has point but is a sure case of perfection issue. I mean, you're trying to say that no matter what people do that has to be good all the time and should not make any mistake at all. Hey, we human beings are born to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes at some point in life, thats why we can never be perfect like GOD. And also, thats the reason people may be doing many good things for others but at the same time they don't even realise what other bad stuff are being committed by their very hands. And talking about having s*x with married women? Oooh! Who could possibly control that d**n thing given by the mother nature? Temptation has witnessed many saints go wrong beyond wildest imagination.              

  10. This seems pretty tough;

    But what it comes down to is which definition of the man is more worthy?  The one that helps with charity work or the one who's 'once a cheater; always a cheater".

    Maybe this guy's way of compensating for his wrong doing is to give to charity.  He's got to sides to his personality as we all do.

    The only ones worthy of great definition are those who live each day making sure he/she doesn't do anything foolish or wrong to taint his/her good image; both personal and public.
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