
What Do You Reckon? Kinda grossish ...... ?

by  |  earlier

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There are 3 men walking in a store to buy stuff for thanksgiving.

they get the bill and they noticed they haven't got enough money.

the clerk says if you put your penises on the desk and if your d!cks together are 40 inches you can have this all for free.

they all lay there penises on the desk and they start counting.

Person 1: 19 inch.

Person 2: 19 inch.

Person 3: 2 inch.

they get their food for free and came out of the store happy.

the first one said i'm glad i have an 19 inch.

the second one said i'm glad i had 19 inches too.

the third one said i'm glad i had a b*neR !!!!!!!!!




  1. thats funny... have a star

  2. :D

  3. Interesting...

  4. ...............,....................,......

  5. Good One

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