
What Does God Think About...?

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What does god think about men who walk out on they're child, before the child is born?, and stays absent for the rest of the childs life? - i mean does it say anything in the bible about that stuff? or anything O.o




  1. satan

  2. A verse in the Bible, 1 Tim 5:8  But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith, and is worse than an unbeliever.

  3. See Ephesians 6:1-4. God commands fathers to treat their children well and to raise them knowing Him.

    Also of interest is that "fatherless" are referenced a lot throughout the entire bible on the same level as the sick, poor, and widowed. That is to indicate that having a father is important in the eyes of the Lord.

    Use and do a search on "Fatherless."

    The best thing for a situation of a missing father is lots of prayer. Pray that you can forgive, pray that you can reconcile, and pray your father's salvation.

  4. not all people are religious or see the meaning of messages in the bible. further more some men don't think they have enough maturaty or could handle the pressure of a baby. others are just jerks.  

  5. i dont know if it says that exactly but i do know the man is supposed to be the leader of the house hold and provide for his family. so i think that would fall under that.

  6. Nothing.

  7. The bible responds by saying that if a man step back from his responsibilities to his family, he is not fit for the kingdom of God.

  8. In the bible, Men are shown to be the next best thing to God. In the bible, it's hard for men to do any wrong. You are angry at the father, and society will shame him, and short of asking him yourself, that's about it.

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