

by Guest44915  |  earlier

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if you found out your teacher had feeling for you,what would you do?would you tell him you feel the same way?

ps:don't be saying it's me,cause it's not.




  1. Well if you or whom ever you may be talking about feels the same way i suggest they avoid it..i dont think it would be a good idea for that to take action..

  2. Who cares if it is you or not? This is place is anonymous :DDD

    if i found out a teacher had feelings for me, even if I had feelings in return, I'd switch classes. It's d**n creepy.

  3. I'd be freaked out and try to avoid him as much as possible!

  4. Out of respect for the teacher's professional career, the responsible thing would be to say nothing until such time as it would not jeapardize the teacher's career to allow a relationship to develop.  It's hard enough for some teachers to keep their emotions in check without being egged on by a reciprocating student.

  5. id like... switch classes or something

  6. i'd be REALLY freaked out because i'd have to see them everyday during class

  7. well i assume that you're a girl so i would say that this is wrong and that he could get in trouble for something like this because i assume that you are a minor. its kind of sick. ummm no i wouldnt tell him that becuase the relationship between a student and teacher would be complicated if you threw in emotions. you can have a crush on your teacher but it cant go farther than that. because if he tries to do you favors like change your grade it is immoraly wrong and unfair to your fellow students. i would say no dont tell him that you like him back just say to him it wouldnt work out and keep your feelings to yourself. i hope this helps and i hope you make the right decision.

  8. Wow! Umm, if I found out that a teacher liked me, I'd be really grossed out. I'd tell my parents and have them call the school or the police.

  9. i would go for it ,if i like my teacher too then things will happen

  10. eww. tell an adult bcuz he could get fired if he did anything to you/your friend

  11. I'd Go Tell The Principal, But Not Before Throwing Up.

  12. Well, I guess u wouldnt tell him that if u obviously didnt have those feelings.  But I would report something like that...with all of the child molestors out there!
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