
What Jobs can Under 15s do?

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Hi, I am 14, I live in London and i was wondering what sort of jobs i could do during the summer holidays. Thank You! ^^




  1. handing out leaflets for business' in town!

  2. Could look at being a waitress for a restaraunt or hotel..

    Theres many jobs that you could go for..

    Look around locally and find some companies that might need a helping hand and give them your details.


  3. When I was 13 and 15 I delivered flyers.

  4. chimney sweep?

  5. im 14 looking for a summer job, i applied at morrisons and lidl,

    i'd hand out leaflets but my mom dsnt like the idea

  6. there arent many jobs for under 16's i think if you go round cafe's they do tend to hire teenagers, Hope it helps. :)

  7. i started helping carpenters at that age,or mow some lawns

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