
What Problem is the Greatest?

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There are a great deal of problems that we hear about daily, e.g. global warming, terrorism, landfill sites, etc. But my questio is, what problem is the greates? Which of the "great problems" is the biggest concern for the future of mankind?




  1. radical nations who have the nuclear bomb bother me

  2. 1st) globel warming is hupla.

    The greatest problem I believe would be besides Hilary Clinton Iraq, Afg. and  illegal mexicans thanks to stupid *** Clinton.

  3. global warming...

  4. Global Warming

  5. Energy.  World population has exploded since the 1800s when it was 1 billion, 1950s it was 2.5 billion, now 6.5 and in 2050 will be 8.9 billion, impossible to sustain this kind of growth with limited oil and coal.

  6. It's between global warming and trashing the Earth. For some strange reason I feel like the world is going to blow because of those things. Maybe even running out of fossil fuel or something. Nice question to ask by the way. :)

  7. i see a lot of people saying global warming. they are wrong. the few people who say mankind and religion is right. In order for this world to have peace, many barriers must be overcome such as religion. also world poverty and hunger. once we have made these things better we global warming becomes the biggest problem

  8. madness of mankind

  9. Women.

  10. I think that global warming is the greatest. Once that it set in motion, it will be near impossible to go back. Terrorism can be stopped a little sooner, though I believe that it would take more work because human minds don't follow any rules, unlike nature. Personally, I believe that landfill sites are part of global warming.

  11. . RELIGION. The Islamic nut-cases kill 'infidels' because, well, just because. They hamper their countries ability to move foreward in scientific knowledge. Their females are 2nd class citizens.

    Of course christians do the same with dis-allowing experiments with stem-cells. It's ok to throw that stuff out with the garbage but NO messing with it in the labs even if it might cure cancer, etc.

    And NO teaching scientific evolution in the schools. and NO birth control for kids. NO legalizing drugs or prostitution 'cause it's immoral and ungodly.  NO taxes on church property.

    It's ok to worship cows and rats in India but let's keep the 'caste system' so the majority are kept in their place.

    "In god we Trust"? i don't think so.

  12. The greatest problem is humans.  We do not do what we should do to get along, or care enough about each other, never mind the planet and our future existence.  If we can overcome this human condition that keeps us apart we could do a lot together and maintain the world, peace, and it would all be good.

  13. Answer:  'Mankind'.


  14. i think global warming as if the water evaporates  from the suns heat we will have an extinction level event , although we all have to take responsibility for our our own action the greatest pollutions are not on a personal level its industry that creates the most pollution and there's no way industry is going to just stop.  on a more relevant to today threat i would say the Muslim extremists is the greatest threat to our personal safety. On a spiritual level i think letting children die from hunger in this world is the greatest crime we are perpetrating in this world today, how hard hearted we have all become if it isn't in our country it doesn't enter into our thoughts ,the genocide in darfur Burma Tibet etc etc  Where is the worlds conscious.

  15. Mother nature is mankind biggest threat.

    We have no control over mother nature and we insist on messing with it.

  16. The n**i American state and the onset of a new world order combined with people willingly getting more and more stupid.

  17. Pollution and Conflicts between countries, races, and religions

  18. Surely the biggest concern for the future of mankind is mankind itself!!

  19. greed and envy

  20. Recently on the LBC radio was a programme about Problem that became a Super blow to make more money out of the general public and... all that problems are just to keep people in line. So the main problem from my point of view will be the total brainwash

  21. It's a tie-up between Britney Spears & Paris Hilton

  22. The existence of mankind is the one big problem.

    Without humanity, the rest of the world could get along just fine.  To every other living thing, WE are the pollution that is killing them.

    We might once have been capable of living in relative harmony with the ecosystem but now we can't because:

    1) we are too numerous;

    2) the ecosystem is already too severely damaged and depleted;

    3) we can no longer return to a lifestyle that would enable the ecosystem to recover (we cannot all be hunter gathers because of reasons 1 & 2 above and because we have lost the skills and because we are not willing to give up the trappings of 'civilisation')

    Global warming is not the problem:  It's a symptom.  Mankind is passing through.  The most we can hope to achieve is to extend our stay.  The only issue in doubt is how many other species we take with us.

  23. global warming or asteroid impact or cosmic ray burst.

  24. Running out of fossil fuels.

  25. Umm..perhaps the idea that the world is gonna end someday?

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