
What Should I pack!!!!!!??

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ok i am gonning to Florida in about a week and i am staying for 2 weeks! For the first week i need to look like the sweet angelic child they think i am then when they leave i am staying with my grandmother and she doesnt care what i wear! I am a bit of a ditz. i am really not there so i like have no clue what to pack!! You can also add things that like to do that has nothing to do with clothes! we are driving down to Florida and i am flying back up! the flight is about 6 hours!! and the drive is about 8 hours!! thxz!!!!

oh and serious awnswers only!!!




  1. malaci.. pak Clothing

  2. bring 2 bathing suits, jean shorts,  jean skirt, formal skirt, sundress, and comfy clothes.

    for the car ride, bring mp3 player (ipod etc) book, pillows and blankets, comfy clothes, a book (if you wont get car sick), a coloring book and coloring pencils, and a portibale dvd player (worth the $$ if you travel a lot)

    good luck

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