
What T F is this about ?

by Guest61265  |  earlier

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After all the denials, it appears that it is true - the muslims have taken over the government of the UK !!

What about the vews of the majority of UK citizens ? Is it not time the government focused on adressing their discontent or aspirations ?




  1. Well pointed out!! There is only one way to deal with the radical forces in our society and that is to stamp on them. Forget political correctness, all Mosques should have monthly checks by police with sniffer dogs to find explosives and all sermons should be recorded and with C.C.T.V and checked for radicalism. We have seen recently that funding for "children in need" was actually used by the 7/7 bombers. Only New Labour would be dumb enough to fund terrorism in Britain with the type of investment they are making.

  2. I think the fact that the article was in the Daily Mail is enough not to take it too seriously. It is not what is written, but how it is presented. I couldn't get too worked up about this, but in some ways see it as a good idea if it can help us understand and stop extremism.

  3. Gentlemen.

    We have 40 rounds left between 60 of us, and the relief column is not going to make it in time to save us. So it leaves us with no option but to find the remedy ourselves. So gentlemen at your ease "FIX BAYONETS"

  4. Don't say I didn't warn you. I could see this coming years ago but when I put it on yahoo answers all we had was some creep stating, Another attempt at a wind up. Well you made your bed now you lay in it. As for me, I got out of the h**l hole. All I want from that place is my pension to which I am entitled because I paid for it.

  5. what a good idea.

    while they are at it why not get garry glitter in charge of cathing pedos, put charles ingram in charge of serious fraud or maybe the exchequer and charles bronson incharge or serious murder investigations.

    i tell you what this country is far ahed of the rest when it comes to tactics;

    encourage the enemie to infiltrate you, pure genius.


    nothing for the minorities, hahahaha, you dont live where i do, do you, apart from special minority events and clubs and bars and nightclub nights and coffee mornings, which BTW alienate me, yeah your right they have nothing do they!

  6. The lunatics have taken over the asylum. I am so glad that we left the UK to get away from this PC nonsense. The UK is the only country in the world that puts up with this sh it.

    We have to start standing up for our own rights, The silent majority should start being a little more vocal and start drowning out the every noisy minority. After all the muslim population according to the govt own figures is 3% IF YOU CAN BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN BELIEVE ANYTHING !!!!

  7. What has your old mate Red been saying to you? come on how many times do I have to say it? ''vote for a political party that is listening to us (the average sucker on the street, yes I say sucker because the dictator is still in power)'' and you know full well who the listening party is. We have got to get together and oust the mainstream extremists from power. A vote for the fraud ridden scumbags of the three mainstream political parties is a vote for fraud and a closed Dictatorship that is tightening its hold on our freedom of speech.

    We need to act now in a positive and ultra legal manner to retrieve some of what has already gone.

    ATB Red

  8. absolute t o s s e r s man.

    This is a disgrace and an insult to us !!!

    Before you know it, they'll be kicking us out of our own country, they are ruining it for us!!!

  9. it's actually a wise decision. if you start saying "yeah, we're a white society", you only alienate the racial minorities such as muslims and a lot of them will be angry that there is nothing for them. then they start listening and gain influence from to extremist preachers who preach about death to the western world, etc.

  10. getting advisors is hardly taking over. havent you ever heard of representation of minorities??

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