
What WAS THAT???????

by  |  earlier

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well theres this guy (lol)

and at first he would just start like random conversations with me in class,

then this one time this other guy was obviously hitting on me and later he was like “why were you letting so-and-so be all over you like that,?” and I asked “why do u care” and he said “I dunno. just.. why do u have to be so complicated?!?”

and on the last day of school he was on my chair so I said “get off my chair or ill just sit on you.”(I was obv joking) And so he said “alright go ahead…. but if I think happy thoughts you’ll feel it”

me: O_o…..

like.. What the h**l was that??!? Am I just overthinking it or what? Why does he act so weird in front of me?




  1. you can't be this ignorant, can you?

    you know he likes you...stop fishing for compliments

  2. Good God Girl he likes u theres not a lot to think about go out with him or tell him ur not into a relationship right now

  3. He has a Mad Crush on you.

    That's what it is.

    Turn him down now if you don't like him,

    before he gets weirder.  

  4. Why, he likes you.

    Or he's on the perverted side and prefers to joke around with others.

  5. Okay, first of all...what kind of response would you expect to your remark about sitting on him?. Consider the source sweetheart..he's a Maybe he knows something about the guy that was hitting on you and was just being protective. Maybe he likes you and doesn't know how to approach you. It could be that he is just trying to test the waters or maybe he was just actually joking. I guess I have been blessed with a wit that produces fairly quick come backs but you should have told him..smiling of course, that you would hate to put him into a situation where his thoughts might force him to bite off more than he can chew...then sit somewhere else....maybe next to him or across from him where you can still talk. If you like him and are interested in him then just be honest (not tacky) and start over. Try not to be anyone but yourself. I mean don't attempt to be who you think he wants you to be. Maybe start a conversation you both can relate to (movies, other friends in common, future plans..etc) will get you on the right track. Maybe you did over think it a little..we women do that and guys, out of insecurity and fear, tend to act goofy around girls they like

    Sometimes ya just have to play it by ear. don't be too hard on him yet. Just get to know him and let him get to know you. good luck

  6. He seems to be sexually attracted to you but seems like a bit of a pervert. try to avoid him
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