
What Wedding location?

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My family is from Bermuda and the Netherlands...

My fiancés family is from Norway and Canada...

Most of my friends live in either Bermuda or the US...

Most of my fiancés friends live in Spain...

We both currently live in Spain.

We can't agree on a country to have the wedding were the most people can attend (although we both fell in love with a park in the city)

I was thinking we could have a simple wedding in the park (Spain) and then a reception in Bermuda and/or Norway...

or I've heard of people have more than one Wedding ceremony...

What do you think??

What would you do??




  1. Can you pick a neutral country, like Jamaica, that nobody lives in, so it's fair for everyone?  Imagine, a beautiful wedding on the beach, where all your friends and family have to travel to get there.  People have destination weddings all the time.  Whatever you save on a big wedding or multiple receptions, you can spend on helping anyone who needs help with airfare.  I think that would be the best solution for everyone in your international family.

  2. You can have two ceremonys.How lovely to get married in Spain.I'm jealous.Jk.Congrats and good luck.

  3. I think it's silly for you to believe that you can cater to everyone - you simply cannot. Have the wedding that makes sense to you - the one at the park you fell in love with. Then, you send invites and those who make it a priority and care the most will show up - even from opposite ends of the planet. Set up a website with photos of everything and those who could not be there will be able to check that out. Why spend a little money here and a little there on several different ceremonies and receptions and have all kinds of confusion and hard work to do in order to arrange each of them? Why not just have one ceremony/reception where you spend all of your wedding budget and make it really really nice and just what you wanted? It's not about throwing a party for relatives. Well - it is that - but it's primarily a celebration of YOUR love - not their lives and wants! A wedding isn't all about the convenience of all the attendees. It's about you and how YOU want to celebrate. Then, later on when you're both relaxed you can take trips to visit relatives, show photos and movies of the wedding and visit with them without all of the big to do. I found that after our wedding - the majority of friends who were not family - don't even keep in touch anymore I mean - why did we even bother to do all of that hard work in throwing a big wedding and inviting people who in the end were not even long term friends? Yeah - so if you want certain people to be able to show up - make the wedding small and pay for the airfare for anyone who can't afford - instead of spending alot of money and inviting hundreds of people who in the end probably didn't really need to be there.

  4. as you have family in the netherlands and he has family in norway, why dont you have it somewhere around there, as they are fairly close to both of your families. it is also quite close to spain, and his friends, and im sure everyone else wouldnt mind travelling!

    it makes sense to have it in europe because that seems to be where the majority of BOTH of your friends and family live.

    hope this gives you some ideas :)
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