
What a Wiccan / Witch?

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in middle school there were some grlz that practiced the wicca thing.. is it the same as being a witch. like evil stuff. just wondering thanks




  1. "Evil"?  Gee.. Thanks..

    Many witches, Wiccans especially, won't appreciate being associated with "evil".  

    Wicca is a nature based religion.  They do spells sometimes but that's not the main thing.

    They are good people and don't mean anybody any harm.  

    I myself am an eclectic witch.

  2. wiccans are white magic , witchs are dark magic

  3. The term "Witch" has been used so long by so many people that it has no real meaning any more, essentially it means what you point to when to when you say it.  "Wicca" is a modern attempt to recreate the Pre-Christian Pagan worship practices of Western Europe.  It was started in 1938 by an Englishman named Gerald Gardner, who called it "Witchcraft" because he didn't know what else to call it.  Later, to distinguish themselves from the Devil worshiping, broom riding, hags you see in the movies, they changed it to "Wicca", and practitioners nowadays say "Wiccan" rather than "Witch", although a few of the old timers still insist on "Witch" just to be ornery.  The basis of Wicca is respect for ones self, for others, and for the world around you, what is  known as the Wiccan "Rede" or "philosophy" goes:  "So it harm none, do what you will."    

  4. If they are practicing 'evil' then they are neither wiccan or a witch because the wiccan rede says, "An harm none do what ye will". That doesn't mean you can do whatever you want without karma coming back and biting you in the rear.  There are moral and ethics that go with both religions.  Yes I did say religions because that is what they are.  Unfortunately as some have already answered on here there are misconceptions to these.  You shouldn't be concerned about these girls what they are doing is probably dabbling and not really practicing the religion aspect.  To answer your question, there are Wiccans that do not consider themselves Witches and visa versa. Confusing I know but that is the way it is.  Then again there are Wiccans that are Witches, such as myself.  So it all depends on whom you ask.  Again, this has nothing to do with evil so lets get that misconception cleared up and so far I haven't melted in a puddle of water or rode on my broomstick lately.

  5. "The Wicca thing". Wow, you really don't know anything about witchcraft or Wicca, do you?

    Wicca is a religion. Wiccans, in general, believe in the God and Goddess and revere nature as a friend. The Divine is part of everything so Wiccans see everything as "alive" in one way or another.

    Before I go on and relate witchcraft to Wicca, let me say this: witchcraft is NOT evil. Most witches now will not preform magic that can hurt. Wiccans, of all people, wouldn't because they follow the Wiccan Rede ("an' it harm none, do as ye will" - basically, unless there is not other way, do NOT hurt anything in any way, especially with magic) and karmatic law, sometimes called the Threefold Law (all energy you send out, good or bad, will come back to you in threefold, or three times stonger).

    While not all Wiccans use witchcraft and not all witches are Wiccans (actually, most probably aren't; you can be any religion really and still be a witch, too, because witchcraft is a practice, not a religion in itself), many do. It is a good way to honor the God and Goddess and also create positive change.

    If you need any other answers specifically, feel free to email me.



  6. Wicca and witchcraft are not the same thing. Wicca is a religion, witchcraft is a practice that people of all religions can engage in. You can find out more about Wicca here

    As for witchcraft being evil, historically the term "witchcraft" referred to magic that was used to intentionally cause harm. However, modern use of the term often refers to both benevolent and malevolent practice of magic.

  7. It is the next step in evolution for people who are addicted to "Dungeons and Dragons"

    That's all you really need to know about it...

    Read some of the other posts here; They make a better case for what I wrote than I ever could!

  8. Witchcraft is a practice, and not a required part of the Wiccan religion. Wicca doesn't hold a monopoly on magic. Many Wiccans do practice witchcraft, but the two are not dependent on each other. There are many witches who are not Wiccan, and vise versa.

    I'm not Wiccan but I practice magic. What you have heard is a distortion of the truth, simple misunderstandings. There are those who think that magic can only be evil, magic is only the direction of energy,  think of electricity or water, they have their own flow and energy, they can kill you, or they can help you, it's all a matter of how they are used.  The purest and simplest form of magic is prayer, which most don't find evil.

    Basic version:  A Wiccan is a practitioner of the religion Wicca. A witch is a practitioner of magic arts. A person can be one without the other, or a person can practice both.

  9. Wicca is not the same as being a witch. Wiccans use the earth's energy to do positive things.

    Witches fly around on broomsticks and melt in a puddle of water.
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