
What about Saturn and rebellion??

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So everyone talks about the Saturn Return like it is the only Saturn transit that matters. But what about the rest? What about when transitting Saturn opposing its natal postion? Certainly more people here have experienced that here than have experienced a Saturn Return. Transitting Saturn opposes its natal position between age 14-15, then between 43-45, then in 28 1/2 year cycles.

What happens when Saturn opposes itself? Doesn't the tention created somehow force a person to become more themselves and in a way actually rebel? The mid teens and early 40s are both times in a person's life when they are likely to rebel. Is the connection the Saturn cycle?

Please tell me about your first or second or even third Saturn opposition? Did you rebel against anything? What did you learn about yourself?

List sign and house position please.

Thank you.




  1. Between 16 and 21 were the worst years of my life ; and yes Saturn was squaring my natal Saturn all those years  

  2. Well, I've only hit one so far, but rebellion certainly applies in my instance. Around 15 is when I "rebelled" against my father and decided to move in with my mother. This wasn't really rebellion as much as a withdrawal: my father was very busy courting my step mother and basically ignored me, so I decided to seek attention elsewhere. It was probably for the best, as this became a turning point in my life and exposed me to new people and ideas. My father and I reconciled later in life (it was never a bitter issue) after I served a tour in the Middle East.  

  3. I'm now experiencing my second Saturn opposition. I had to look up the dates for my first and I was 13 and got pregnant with my eldest daughter. Luckily, I can no longer breed--so, no worries! That pregnancy was deliberate. I believe one could easily classify it as rebellion. I needed a family--I created one for myself. I'm now in the process of revamping my life. Let go of my lover and am looking for a new job. Things that didn't bother me so much a short time ago, now bother me immensely. Feels a little like rebellion--yeah. Saturn 8th-Pisces

  4. I don't know anything about  Astrology and have no idea what this even means.  I just wanted to comment and compliment Eliza D on such a beautifully crafted and well worded answer.

  5. When I was 14 in 1985, I was in the eighth grade at public schools as I had always been. I rode a motorcycle to school and had a mohawk haircut.

    I also changed my friends a little.

    My parents abruptly sent me to a private school in the 9th grade.

    I did not really like the school or the students.  It was a Christian school.  However, the quality of the teachers and curriculum was vastly superior to public schools. I was a good boy that year, but REFUSED to return to the private school in the 10th grade. I suppose my rebellion was quelled then because I turned 16 shortly after starting 10th grade.

    Can't wait to see what happens at 43!

    Saturn is in 3 degrees Gemeni in the 12th house

  6. So, I've got an idea for the title of  book you are going to write - "What to expect when you are Astrological."

    Anyway, it was much easier to think back on my life and what was going on for a Saturn opposition then it was for a Saturn return.

    The age of 14 / 15 was very significant for me.  I have Saturn in my 5th house in Scorpio, so an opposition at that time would have put Saturn in the 11th.  Yes, it was during this time period that I went through puberty, became interested in boys and started to rebel against my parents.  It seemed that friends and boyfriends became the main focus in my life.  It was a dramatic change from my quiet, sheltered childhood.

    At age 44, I also felt myself wanting to step outside of what was comfortable and traditional and spread my wings  a little.  I definitely felt a tug of war because I had two young children at the time  Without going into details, I did spread my wings and feel the rush of the wind, but I never really took off flying - just as well.  My children are relatively happy and well-adjusted because of it.

  7. Nice question, Jamie

    Well, the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of opposition is a ping-pong effect...

    When it comes to the case of Saturn, then I imagine it can be much more intense and perhaps "forced". So in a way, I think you are right about the rebellion thing.

    The thing is that every person has/had different things to "oppose" rebel against. As most teenagers face problems which are related to their family issues, I'm more inclined to think of the word "rebellion"...mainly because there IS an authority and, in most cases, a frail one which contradicts the deeply rooted ideals and/or hopes of their teenage nature.

    In the case of a 40 year old person, though, the only authority which comes to my mind is their state...And taking into account that ,as adult people, they are active members of their state, it sort of feels contradictory to put the blame on that...Unless we assume that they hold every other person responsible for the problems created and the community flaws they have to face every day.

    Overall, it seems like a Saturn opposition is the total opposite of a Saturn Return...Instead of people taking full responsibilities for their actions and trying to find a way to solve their problems, they focus more on the "fault" and the person who caused it.

    For that reason, I'm inclined to believe that we most probably CANNOT see the results of a Saturn opposition until we face our Saturn Return. Because only then transitting Saturn acts like some sort of mirror and makes us realize our own share of mistakes...and perhaps blaming others instead of taking the responsibility ourselves is one of them. So that makes me believe you cannot take advantage of your Saturn opposition before you hit your Saturn Return.

    After all, when we are young, we learn- when we finally grow up, we understand.

    I have only experienced one Saturn opposition and I can safely claim that I didn't rebel against any member of my family, perhaps with the only exception of my father. It definitely made me more aware and conscious of the way I interact with other people. If I had to mention anything that I learnt about myself, it would, in any case, be in relation to others. It was definitely very useful, but I still expect it to  become of more importance as time passes by...The more able I am to become detached from the situation (and time in this case is relevant with detachment), the more I'll be able to gain from possible mistakes.

    I guess it's good that Saturn moves slowly, after all...

    edit: Yes, that's true, Jamie. But in contrast with family issues, problems related to marriage derive from the individual's own choices and/or actions. No one can really choose their parents, but most people DO choose their spouses and determine *actively* how their relationship with them will be.

    When you're around 40, you're already an adult (even astrologically speaking). It is more probable (or perhaps I should say "reasonable") then for one to regret decisions or actions of theirs than "rebel" against others whom they have actively involved in their lives(including spouses, children, family, etc)

    Thanks, Erac Q

    edit: That's true, also

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