
What about this job idea.?

by  |  earlier

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A friend of mine said she was inRome, and old men dressed as gladiators were charging €10 for a photo with them, that you take on your own camera!!!!

So I was thinking, if I dressed up as Molly Malone, pushed a cart around Dublin with my ample bosoms ,barely covered in a low cut dress... how much do you think I could charge for a photo...and some cockles and mussels...alive alive oh!




  1. Difficult to say without seeing you, could you pop a couple of pics up on a web page (full length) then we can give you a better appraisal

    Alternatively email me some


  2. Sound like you have a death wish.Reckon within a short few minutes you and the cart would be in the Liffey .Its definately a non runner !.

  3. I'll bet it would be worth a few quid at least, eh?!

  4. You can have my cockle if you want it.

  5. A fiver, but more reasonable 2 euros a pop.

  6. lol you could try just make sure you dont get arrested

  7. she was robbed,they charged us only  5 euros,as for your other idea go for it you will make a fortune?

  8. Yep, the tart with a cart.

    Send me a pic of that please.

  9. Go for it. You never know your luck.

  10. Um.... not much.... lol

    Get a real job!!


  12. e10 a melon!

  13. I'd say at least 15 euro's.

  14. 10 euros! blimey

  15. I think it is a great idea.

    Charge 10€ and throw in the muscles for free!

  16. It sounds like a great idea! For your first exploratory phase, I would not set a fixed price but put some loose change in a basket in the barrow. As an additional idea, you could sing the chorus from Mollie Malone (ie "alive alive-oh" - or use a recording if you can't sing) and perhaps get some false shellfish to adorn your barrow (real ones are too expensive and perhaps smelly).

    If you find you're very popular, then you can set a fixed price, perhaps 2 euro to begin. You can experiment and adjust according to weather, tourist numbers and seasons!

    Remember you're acting as a street seller with an eye to business, if you know what I mean! If you get your idea on the streets, attach a photograph and I'll publish it on my website with a 'plug' for you!

    Good luck,


  17. You'd make a mint!!!!  Tell me when you start and I'm on a plane...Close up of the bosoms extra?

  18. LOL  many people take photos of the statue of Molly Molone in Dublin but a real live person would attract people to pay for photos. Whilst we were  in LOndon here were aload of youngsters with very spiked hair and chained clothing.- Punks and they charged people to have photos with them- I think they probably made a reasonable penny out of it- go for it if you've the confidence.

  19. you'd have to kick the eejit dressed up as a leprechaun playing the tin whistle out of the way first, but then...... make sure to charge the following

    €5 for a pic of you

    €10 for a pic of them, with you

    €15 for a pic of you with a hand full of mussels

    €20 for a pic of you and them with hand fulls of cockles and mussels

    and finally €50 of the DVD/CD of you and them all singing 'molly Malone'.

    they'd be queueing for hours!!

    Hold on, I think me da might have a spare wheel barrow

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