
What abt a housewarming party?

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My boyfriend and I have rented an apartment for two years and just recently bought a house. Since we rented we have basically everything that we want/need. But since buying this home everyone ask "what can I get you for your new house?" There are many things we would love to have that aren't overly priced. I find it hard to explain exactly what I want to someone and would hate to get the wrong thing and have to return it. We have people who also want to through a housewarming party for us. I find it somewhat tacky to register (especially since we have everything that we need). Is there any other way to go about this and get what we want from our family and friends?




  1. Tell them that if they really want to give you a gift than gift cards would be useful since there is nothing you really need. Maybe you could also suggest things like certificates for house-cleaning services? I'm not sure how to go about this without it being tacky though, maybe you should just accept the gifts and be happy.

  2. I don't mean to sound rude, but "getting what you want" is not what a housewarming party is about.  By allm means host a party to allow your friends and family to see your accomplishment in buying a house, but don't make it tacky by suggesting gifts.  During the course of conversations you can mention color schemes for various rooms or themes, or even things you plan to purchase' but do not register or get specific on items.  Most of those close to you know your taste and may come up with very inventive gifts you never thought of.  Also a lot of people today give gift cards.  Enjoy the company of the evening without expecting gifts .  Have fun:)

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