
What actually are "bonsai plants" ??

by Guest61083  |  earlier

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What role does INDIUM (an element) play in its formation???

and where (place) is the orgination of these type of plants?




  1. Bonsai is not a type of plant. It is a method of pruning and training a plant in a container to become a miniature "model" of a tree in nature. The word bonsai is Japanese and translates to "potted tree". Sizes range from the "keshitsubu" - small enough to fit in a thimble - to the "imperial" - up to 10 feet tall.

    The origination of the established methods is commonly attributed to China, around 200AD. However, there is evidence as far back as 2000BC that the Chinese "P'en Tsai" or "artistic potted plant" was already in practice.

    The metal element Indium does not relate to bonsai in any specific way that I know of. It may relate to a specific species of plant used for bonsai in some way, being a naturally occurring  element.

  2. Ummmm... bonsai plants are just miniature plants, which are stunned in growth because of they have so little room for their roots and they get very little nutrients.

    As far as I know indium has nothing to do with bonsais.

    Any harsh environment will cause stunned growth.

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