
What age are foals weaned at?

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What age are foals weaned at?




  1. On average at 6 months.

    With ours it will depend on the foal. Before we completely pull them (wean), we start taking them out on walks, that they get used to not being around their mom.

    When they have started eating feed, grass and hay regularly on their own, and their dam is not letting them nurse or they show no intrest in nursing we pull them and place them in a diffrent paddock with our babysitter. The babysitter is a 23yr old gelding.

    So for us, our foals are weaned between 5 1/2 to 7 months. I know 7 months seems long. But, we go based on how the foal is delevoping mentaly and physically. I have seen people wean foals to early and they then become clingy to the people around the barn, in a bad way.

  2. five to seven months is the average, but it depends on the mare and/or foal. if the foal is independent, eating solid foods, and is just occasionally nurses, then it is time for them to be weaned. like a previous poster said, it is good to get the pair used to being apart for short periods of time, so they wont get too terribly anxious when they are weaned completely. if the mare doesnt seem to be being brought down by the foal and is not in foal again, i like to let the mare choose the right time to wean. now obviously, if she starts rejecting the foal at two months, thats a different story. but if she allows the foal to be by her side and nurse every now and again until the foal is eight months old, then i dont see a problem with that, as long as the mare doesnt mind, and the foal is calm and respectful when separated from Mom for an hour or so. if they do get anxious or clingy, then i will step in and wean the foal. but i like to let the mare choose if at all possible.  

  3. We usually do it around 6 months.

  4. We take our foals from their moms at around 6 months.  Some will wean earlier than others but we see no need to separate them earlier than that.

  5. anytime after 3 months but 4-6 is what most people prefer. just not earlier than 3 because thats when they need the nutrience from their mothers milk most.

  6. Generally between 4 and 6 months...depending on the owner's preference.

  7. usaully 3 months is the earliest but if you leave it much after 6 months, they bite and chew on the mares t***s and she ends up rejecting them.

  8. I have been breeding horses for about 17 years. I typically wean the foals when they are 4 to 6 months old. Sometimes I wean as early as three months.  It is best to let the mare and foal tell you when the time is right. They will spend more time apart, the foal will nurse less and eat more, the mare may get pushy with the foal.  Just watch and let nature tell you what is best.  

  9. usually about six months old.  but at any age if they are still running together. our 3 year old filly was still having a crafty drink from mum.  after about 6 months though if still together mum will usually try to discourage them naturally.

    no foals are allowed at auction under the age of 3 and half months on their own.

    aren't foals lovely at wasting your time while you watch them.

  10. Anything from four to eight months, it all depends on how well the foal is doing, and is it coping with hard feed,( stud balancer) it can also depend on if the mare is back in foal and how her condition is.

    I weaned my foal at seven months as he was starting to drag the mare down a bit ( she was not  covered again) The foal was in excellent condition when he first left her, but dropped very slightly at first, then pretty quickly gained the condition back again.

    GOOD LUCK !!

  11. around 6months but you should start halter braking and leading at a week or because learning this a 6 months can be a  very tramatic experience for them

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