
What age did you come out. ?

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What age did you come out as an L,G,B or T?




  1. I am not g*y but recently I started liking this guy at school. I am obsessed with him and can't stop thinking about him he's just so adorable. I'm fifteen.

  2. Haven't

    I'm 18 and I still don't know if I am or not L

  3. 15 years old. The day after Christmas.


    EDIT: Wait no, I was 14, it was freshman year, 2006.

  4. 16 :D and i'm 19 now

    yay!  awesome question!

    my twin came out when a couple months after me.  

    We are identical :D

  5. 10 B

    19 T

  6. hmm well I don't remember my age I just know that I was in the 10th grade. It seems so long ago. But I knew what I was when I was 11. It wasn't until 10th that I found out how I was different from the rest of the guys and what I was called.

    I don't know man spend a weekend with me and unlimited funds and we'd see what we could do for your pictures and whatnot. First thing though I'm not sure the short hair is really you. I don't think you look g*y or something like that.

  7. 11 friends not yet out to family iam only 13


    you dont look ugly

    i think you are kinda cute

  8. 18 to friends, 19 to family,

    and then over and over and over to everyone i have met for years.

    The more you do it, the less it matters.

  9. 43 g*y!


  10. when i was 15 i told ppl in my school i was g*y. and no you dont your pic is cute.  

  11. well im 16 and i came out to one person and she is a lez. im g*y

  12. 1


    Edit: No you don't look bad you juss look g*y.

  13. Haha you look like mike bullard as a midget

  14. 15, g*y

  15. You don't look bad, maybe intoxicated?

    21 or 22 in 1987 as l***o

  16. 13


  17. 15


  18. 23 - G  

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