
What age for baby bouncer...??

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My daughter is nearly 4months and she is just plain bored being on her mat and in her chair....

I was thinking of getting a baby know, the one that goes on the door frame?

How old must she be to go in one of them? And what must she be able to do...e.g sit herself?





  1. i thught those things have age ratings on them

  2. they have to be able to support themselves completely... like where they can almost stand holding onto something... otherwise they fall back or foreward or squish their legs underneath them...

  3. I think i had a baby bouncer at about 5/6mnths...

    I think she just needs to be able to stay sitting up, not falling over, maybe crawl or move a bit ?

    I had a tigger one !! :D


  4. Baby Bouncer? for rowdy Babies that get out of hand down at the Baby Bar?

  5. My sister bought my daughter a jumperoo (which is the same as a bouncer) when she was 5 months. At that age she had a lot of strength in her legs and ofcourse could hold her upper body up. My daughter is 8 months now, and she still enjoys her jumperoo. The one my sister bought for her has a seat that swivels all the way around. It has a bunch of different entertaining toys, lights, and music. She loves it. When I put in her Baby Einstein dvds, I sit her in it right by the tv. The whole time she'll be jumping up and down having a blast. It gives me that time to walk a way for a bit and get things done.

    If you think your daughter has both upper and lower body strength, then she's ready. If not, then I would wait till she does because you don't want to hurt her ofcourse.

  6. i was given a jolly jumper when my son was born, and the instructions that came with it say from 3months.

    i tried my son in it at 12weeks old as he could hold his head up quite well but after only a few minutes he got to tired and his head started flopping to the side a bit so i stopped it. He is now 13 and a half weeks and on trying him in it again he has just taken off in it, he loves it.

    The instructions also say that it can be hung from the clothes line, a tree and even over a shallow wading pool (even low enough for them to be in a sitting position).

    good luck with it and only you will know if she is strong enough for it.

  7. I tried my baby girl in her bouncer at 4 months and she just kept leaning to one side in it - she didnt look comfortable at all. I think they need to be able to support their backs on their own before they can comfortably get any enjoyment out of one.

    I know what you mean about them getting bored with being either on the floor or in their chair, I got my girl a play gym to lay under when she was on the floor and that seemed to amuse her for a while or maybe try one of them swings, they look really fun and I think you can use them from birth x

  8. They need to be able to support their heads but most have age ratings. Make sure the frame on your door is wide enough too-we had issues with the upstairs door frames at our house but downstairs was fine. Try and discourage your baby from swinging in it too much (as much as you can anyway!!!). They are a fantastic invention and I would have been lost without mine. It takes babies a bit of time to get the hang of it though. Have it so they are touching the floor with their toes, not their full foot, and she will be more likely to bounce in it. And have fun!

    I wish they made these for grown ups...

  9. Do you mean something like a jolly jumper?

    I bought one for my son when he was about 3mths old. He loved it!

    As long as your daughter can hold up her head she should be fine.

    You can also buy musical mats to put under them or a baby pool in summer so baby can jump around in the water to keep cool.

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