
What age will you quit driving?

by Guest45392  |  earlier

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I will stop when I...oh, shoot. I really don't know. I hope when I stop, I will be ready to and have a clean record. ;)

love ya





  1. I would drive till i die and when im dead well i guess i cant run over people anymore.........oh c**p.

  2. when i can no longer afford the cost of driving!!!  maybe 100 or so!!!

  3. I want to die in my sleep, like Grandpa, not screaming like the passengers in his car.

  4. When I have trouble seeing, hearing, reflexes, etc. It&#039;s not a specific age. Everyone ages differently. I have arthritis in my right ankle, so when I&#039;m having a bad day, I don&#039;t drive. I&#039;m afraid if I have to stomp on the brake, I won&#039;t be able to do it.

    We are trying to stop my mother-in-law from driving. She&#039;s 88, is blind in one eye &amp; has limited vision in the other. She also has poor hearing. She&#039;s had several accidents. Fortunately, no one has been hurt nor killed yet; only property damage. The police took her license after the last one, but she went to the DMV &amp; said she misplaced it, &amp; they gave her another one without checking &amp; she bought another car (she totaled the last one). I contacted the police &amp; DMV.

  5. Only when they tell me I&#039;m no longer fit to drive.  Buses are evil - especially in Northern Ireland.

  6. I don&#039;t think it&#039;s a question of age, it depends on what you can still do. Will you be able to still see? What about judgment, staying focused and drivig too fast or slow.Drive as long as you still are comfortable behind the wheel I&#039;d say.

  7. Good question..this can really be a conflict in families.  i have seen it several times and as a result i can tell you i have a daughter and son in law and a church family and two public transportation sources..i plan to use common sense and i pray my ego doesn&#039;t get in the way..i want to do this aging thing with a little grace and style.  But deep down?  I&#039;ll really be ticked off!  I have watched people slowly lose their independance and it&#039;s frustrating  and can be painful..the key in all of this is a good support system. now i am spoiled and headstrong and like to get my way but this is god&#039;s world and i just live in it and i don&#039;t want to go out a big baby.  again..good question.

  8. I will be driving from the U.K. through France into Spain for my holidays this year.While there I will be celebrating my 83rd Birthday.I will give up when I am older but havent decided yet when that will be.

  9. I&#039;ll know when it is my time.  It may be tomorrow and I may drive my own hearse.  As long as those around me and I consider myself sharp enough to drive I will do so as necessary.

  10. When my sight is no longer good enough for me to see the streets &amp; signs clearly.  Most likely within the next 5 years if my eyes keep degenerating at their current rate.

  11. No certian age. I will quit when I think It  would be harmful to others.

  12. I&#039;ll quit driving when the government comes up with a convenient way to get around without driving.

  13. I hope my children will tell me when it is time for me to quit driving.  I would then expect them to furnish me with a driver and a limousine whenever I want to go somewhere.

  14. i will stop driving (probably) when i&#039;m dead !!!

  15. I&#039;m like you sweetie . . .When the eyes go, and the judgment is off and the reaction time is slow !  With all the other idiots on the road, I may be glad to hand over those keys ! ! !  

  16. Before I turn 90, if I live that long.  My Mother quit when she was 89.  My Mother-in-law is 92 and she is still driving and you don&#039;t want to be on the road when she is.  

  17. When they force the car keys from my dying hands.  Poppy

  18. It pretty much looks like the rest of my days will be pretty much a solo trip. There is no one to help with things like trips to the doctor or to the grocery store and post office. Soooo.... I hope I can hang on to my mobility all the way. I know the odds of that are not good... but what do ya do.

  19. When they take my license!

  20. Are you an environmentalist nut or just drunk?

  21. When you don&#039;t see the stop signs or the traffic lights anymore !

  22.      At 70 years old I have been told I am going blind so, have given up my license.

  23. I stopped twenty years ago.  Now I don&#039;t have to worry about that.

  24. I will stop when I no longer feel comfortable behind the wheel, or that I would pose a threat to those around me.

    Hopefully it will not be anytime soon.

  25. Even after I stop driving I will continue to renew my drivers license

    to be used as my ID.

  26. when i&#039;m not capable anymore.. changes for everyone i think.  

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