
What am I seeing??

by  |  earlier

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About once or twice a week i will just all of a sudden see these sparks that flash silver and white. (Its not from looking at light either, ive tested that) They are coming from all around me coming from nowhere and once they get to a certain point they vanish. It goes on for 1 or 2 minutes in a row. They will "travel" towards the center of all of them. Help, much thnx!




  1. don't want to scare you but it might be pressure on the backs of your eyes, get it checked out.

    (don't start thinking the worst, if it is your eyes it'll be something and nothing :)

  2. Your best bet is to go to an "eye doctor" and have this analyzed.

    When you go, please specify this, because you confused me as well:  did the "sparks" appear about your eyeball, or was it mentally internal as your perception?  Usually these little sparks or bright flash spots occur as interferences to your vision by appearing to occur on your eyesight, not in your perception, as if you are seeing them rather than experiencing them mentally.  That does not mean it is either way, just the appearance.

  3. so, are you into wicca? are you protected when quija'ing?

  4. If your not taking drugs... See a doctor.  If you are... Stop.

  5. I used to get that alto when I was a kid.  they look like thousands of tiny little lighted single celled things  scurrying around.  It lasts for like 1 or 2 minutes ( like you said ) then they get less and less until they disappear.

    sometimes you just get them in the corner of your eye too.

    I dint think it's paranormal....I think it's lack of sugar or something like that.

    i still get that once in a while

  6. Have your Blood Pressure checked. I have found out that when this happens to me I have just been really mad or really stressed out.

    When I went to the eye doctor for my yearly exam I asked him about it and he said that it wasn't my eyes.

    Oh.....and don't mess with a Ouija Board...that's not a good thing to mess around with. You do not want to have "something" come into your home that you DO NOT want.

  7. If you are referring to the paranormal you could be experiencing a deformed orb or sort of like an ectoplasm


    Or a deformed orb

    Not that deformed but still

    Many people say this could do with your eyes but I think greater It could have something to do with your eye sight go see a doctor if she says nothing then you know you could of encountered a spirit

    If anyone died wherever you are seeing it this could be another explanation

    Anyways hoped this helped ^^ GL

  8. you have to visit to your opto

  9. Peter took the words right out of my mouth. I've seen this on here before too..or in another section and I remember an answer telling the name of the eye problem. It could possibly be paranormal..but I doubt it. You should get your eyes checked just to make sure it's not them before you start investigating for paranormal reasons. I really do think it might be your eyes.

    Edit.. Found it! Floaters or Flashes..Here's the link!

    EDIT..Even if you got a ouija need to at least call your optometrist and tell him/her that you're seeing these sparks. You might really have Floaters . I don't know if they can do anything for it or not...but you still need to tell your dr.Don't  mention the ouija board. And get rid of the board. I think you know it's evil or you wouldn't suspect that it happened because of it.

  10. An upset stomach or hunger can cause these problems. Try eating something light to fuel the body when these eye problems present themselves.

  11. I've seen this malady described before but I forgot the name of it.  It is indeed an problem with your eyes.  See an eye specialist.

  12. your seeing the beginings of a mental illness!

  13. Everyone I know whose seen angels sees them like this, and I do as well.

  14. Have you been to a doctor or optometrist?  Get checked out, could be something serious.

  15. I agree with others that you should get an eye examination. This is simply the proper step of not only caring for yourself but eliminating all normal explanations before examining the paranormal.

    This could be caused by lack of oxygen from medical conditions like anemia (and numerous other things) so you might also consider an appointment with your regular physician.


  16. either angels, fairies or other elementals. talk to them when it ahppens. they are trying to connect with you. happens to me all the time. i also see small twinkling lights. try to foces more... practice and you will see them better.

    byt he way, what i said will only be the case if they move independently and randomly, NOT in a pattern or the same one every time. in that case, the people who mention eye problem would be correct.
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