
What am i entitled to?

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I have recently gone back to work after having by baby. He is now 9 months. I get to bring home £150 a week and out of that I need to pay for child care, petrol, feeding a fmaily and running a house. As you can imagen that does not leave a any for extras. Like new clothes for my boy.

I have been working hard for 10 years now and have been paying taxes and what not all that time. I have been thinking that if I give up work now that saves me on child care and only need to put 1/4 the amount of petrol. But if I did what am I entitled to if I gave up work. My husband is on about £22,000 a year. Or were can I find out rather than applying fpr the benifits.

I know I will get some people saying that I am just wanting to live off benifits. But I am inteanding to have another soon and then go to work when they are in school and pre school. And I have paid into the goverment for many years. So please no slagging off.




  1. I have to kind of agree with the above a bit. I have a son of 5 who is in full time school, I am on my own and I work full time as a carer. I pay full rent, housing benefit and get no help what-so-ever from his dad. My choice. I manage very well so how you can't manage with your husbands 'meagre' offering is beyond me. I also think it very irresponsible to bring another child into the world if you can't afford to support one. It's greed and ignorance. Sorry but you did ask. Good luck with that one!

  2. Not to be cruel; but, what are you thinking of? Why are you bringing another innocent child into the world when you can barely scrape by now? What are you entitled to? Nothing. You can work; you just don't want to. You want a hand out. Just like the homeless people standing on the street. Why do you think you are entitled? Did your husband die? Leave you? Are you handicapped? Mentally ill? Why get paid for sitting at home if you are capable of working? OK; enough of that, you are already there. Now, tell me; is your budget and goals working for you? Obviously not if you are thinking of quitting your job and living off the government.

    You need to have a plan. A budget that works for you.

    So, why don't you start a day care center? That way others who are willing to work and pay for petrol can come and pay you for day care. You like babies so this

    will work for you.

  3. Bet none of the other answers actually have children and understand the realities of modern living.

    You are currently entitled to Tax Credits based on yours and your husband's joint income. In addition you get Child benefit.

    You can work out how much you should get here:

    If you give up work you can then recalculate how much Tax credits you would get just on your husband's wages. But remember your income would only be your husband's wage plus TC. and compare the difference in each route

    You wouldn't be entitled to any other welfare benefits as your husband works full time and earns too much for state benefits. You would only get TC and his wage.

  4. Luckily your husband has a reasonable salary so i can't imagine you would be entitled to much benefits.  Can you work during school hours so that no child care is needed?  Employers these days have to consider flexible working patterns for parents.  I do. I am a widow and have three children 12, 10, 8 and i just about manage working 30 hours per week.  I get a small amount of Child tax credit because I am a single parent.  I think you have other options rather than giving up work and you won't need to make any claim.

  5. I have to agree as well. I am all for not having children in this country below the so-called poverty line. But the system seems to actually encourage it these days! I am completely appalled at my taxes going to people who have chosen to have children they can't afford. This country is heading for disaster.

    I understand how you as an individual feel. The benefits given out by the govt are just too high compared to the tax coming in. This creates a massive problem in the marginal area where people are better off not work. That's the govt's fault not yours.

    You need to try the tax credits calculator on HMRC:

    As you husband's earns a decent enough amount it will probably only by about £1k per year in child tax credit, but will increase with a second child. However if you continue working you may get the childcare element of working tax credits which would cover up to 80% of your childcare costs.

    Doing some child care work of your own is definitely worth looking into but the insurance, tax etc can be offputting.
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