
What animals are currently at risk?

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I've seen a few articles over the past few months regarding several animals on the verge of extinction and/or on the list of endangered species that need protection - mostly due to climate changes.

I'd like to know if there are any new resources that update what animals are currently at risk? Where can I find more information regarding this? What are the current cases you're aware of?





  1. my wife's dog

  2. Oh My! I hope all the animals will soon come off the endangered list.

    I know that rhinos are on the verge of extinction.

  3. Polar bears are not endangered.  They're doing very well actually.

    I don't think any animals are endangered due to climate change.

  4. we are in endangered because we are as stupid as an animals

  5. As usual, the answer is much more complex than the question. One big confusion is that each country maintains its own list so there isn't really one central registry nor complete agreement. Plus, some animals are at risk in some areas but not in others (e.g. elephants are endangered in Uganda but not in South Africa).

    In addition, most animals are at risk due to multiple factors including loss of habitat, environmental degradation and hunting (all of which caused by humans) - climate change is just another stressor. It is impossible to say that one factor caused a species to become extinct, it will always be the combination.

    The WWF (UK branch) fact sheets are a very good start - easy to use and read but not comprehensive (selecvted species only):

    W.E.S. is also easy to use and a good starter site:

    The IUCN Red List is both comprehensive and relatively non-technical with great info:

    CITES is probably the most comprehensive and globally accepted list of species at risk although it can be a little difficult and technical to navigate:

    UNEP has similar info (they are part of the CITES committee) but also contains wider background info and may be a bit easier to use (although it is still founded on the CITES database)

    WWF talks about vulnerable species here: and here:

    CITES in the UK:

    USA Today has a good populist article with good links to specific areas of vulnerability:

    For info about US endangered species, check out:

    Plus, a couple of refutations:

    davem says "Polar bears are not endangered". "Endangered" is a legal term. Polar bears have been put on the endangered list thus they are irrefutably "endangered" (you may argue whether they should be on the list but you cannot argue about their legal status).

    DanG's "might is right" moral stance is despicable. It is exactly this sort of thinking that has led to wars and huge suffering. Basically, if someone has the strength to do something then they have the right - using that argument, the 9/11 killers had the right to blow up the WTC!

  6. Well, I do not know what articles you have seen but links to these articles below may be of interest to you.

  7. pandas are the most animal are currently at risk .

  8. Well the human species is on the endanger list


    A bunch of bugs are and a couple of other land animals


    But the only one I notice is US


  9. pandas cheetahs and polar bears!

  10. penguins

  11. Which animals are at risk? p**s-weak, insignificant animals. Humans are the dominant species, so we have the right to kick their a$$ off the planet.

  12. those on the north and south pole.

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