
What annoys you the most?

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Ok, so yesterday I asked what makes you happy and that got a good response, so now I'm interested in knowing..what annoys you most in the world?




  1. Two-faced ignorent people. I just cant stand those kind of people as there is no need to be like that. There is this guy in my job who is security and if i or some others say hello or goodbye he ignores us but yet he speaks to others, the women that are hot. he is a big time womaniser and is always sniffing around young girls and as for being two-faced he will speak to me in front of others but not when im on my own.

    He comes across to certain people as really nice but to myself and others where i work he shows his true colours. Just looking at him puts me in a bad mood because i honestly cant stand him and wish he would get the sack.One of my friends in work was joking with him and he said to her, "you speak when spoken to". I really hate him.

  2. the govenment!!!!!

  3. People who think their opinion is the only one anyone should have and the correct one !!

  4. How slow this site loads

  5. People that alway's knock into you when you're walking or step on you're foot.

  6. The ringing of mobile phones, some ring tones yuck!

  7. When people are really ignorant to you. For example, if they ignore you deliberately or are really sarcastic to you.

  8. I can't stand people who tells lies - especially when you catch them out and they still lie!

  9. singing children... behind every singing child is a political agenda- expect it.

  10. When someone files their nails!!!!

  11. People who think they know what you are going to say, so don't listen to what you actually are saying and respond with completely off the wall comments.   They continue argueing with you even after you explain what you were actually saying again and again.

  12. Lazy people!!  I work my a** off and they get my tax money plus they work under the table.

    They can afford everything and pretend they are poor.

  13. For me it's people who think they are the center of everything and that they are always right.

  14. Seeing the countryside and wildlife disappearing.

  15. When people chew gum like a cow! You probably know. The start talking to you and they CHOMP on their gum. Ugh! Keep your mouth closed people!

  16. what annoys me the most is the chef on the cooking chanel with the long hair wen they are in the kitchen I think is disgusting insanitary

  17. Hey    Michael the thing that annoys the most is people who toss their trash out of the car window,or will walk right a trash can  and they still throw their garbage on the ground. Another thing that boils my but is smokers who stomps their cigarettes out on the ground now don't get me wrong I am not knocking the people who smoke, I am a smoker but I never put my cigarette butts out on the  street, I put them out in an ash tray in my car or I'll have a can with a little water in it.  Good luck   Shirley   McKenna

  18. When the outside air smells, I am annoyed.

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