
What are 3 reasons people lie?

by Guest64120  |  earlier

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What are 3 reasons people lie?




  1. 1.) Pride- i lie because i don't want to admit that i'm wrong

    2.) Power- i lie because i need you to do something you wouldn't normally do unless provoked.

    3.) Punishment- i lie because i'd rather avoid punishment than and maybe get away with something, rather than speak the truth and be punished

  2. Just to open their mouth and waste air

    to get away with something they did wrong

    to just do it because their a compulsive liar

  3. too get out of trouble

    because they can

    too save someone

  4. 1) To protect themselves and/or others.

    2) For their own benefit.

    3) Because they can.

  5. 1. to avoid social disapproval

    2. to gain acceptance

    3. to get what they want

  6. There is only one reason  why people lie. Because they can't face the ugly truth of their reality. I am one of them.

  7. 1. Don't want to face the painful consequences of telling the truth and incriminating themselves or others

    2. To protect other's feelings

    3. Because it's human nature

  8. Only three reasons? :)

    1. To avoid responsibility.

    2.  Because they can't handle intimacy (meaning, being close to someone in mind and spirit).

    3. To cover up another lie.

    Of course, most of the time they'll say, 'I didn't want to hurt his/her feelings', but that's mostly a lame excuse (unless someone you love is dying; then you almost always lie and say they look beautiful and they are going to get well soon).

    Stay away from liars.  They are toxic.

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