
What are eyes made of?

by  |  earlier

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What is the substance/substances that our human eyes a re made of?




  1. They are all made up of cells but these are cells that are specifically developed to different jobs just like in any other part of your body.  This happens in embryogenesis by stem cells (all with the exact same DNA) migrating to different areas and receiving different hormones depending on where they are.  These hormones act as signals to express certain genes from various chromosomes but not others.  So the same stem cells that give rise to skin or bone give rise to neurons or different parts of the eye.

    To see what different parts of the eye are called and what their function is, here are some links.  Generally Wikipedia isn't a good source as it can be altered but as of this moment I can confirm that this page is correct.  Also it's not really a complicated or controversial subject so it's unlikely to be wrong anyway.

  2. its made of the following contents:

    your mom, your dad, skin cells. yea(: im in advanced science.

  3. Hard boiled eggs.

  4. cartilage and skin cells.  cartilage is the stuff your ears and nose are made of. skin cells are what your skin is made of

  5. There's loads of layers of different things.

    I've been told that your retinea has 10 different layers.

    WOWEEH.  Shocking :P

    Sorry i couldn't be of much help...

    I tryed :P

  6. I duno a tough shaped ball with jelly-like substance in it.

  7. Atoms, duh!?

  8. mush and goo

  9. cells, which make up tissues, which makes up organs... = eyes... =D

    i don't think that was what you were looking for though... lol
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