
What are fake black people?

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what are they...??? i heard of them on t.v




  1. I think it's someone who tries so hard to emulate black culture that it's perceived that they are either wannabes or making fun of the culture

    There are others like my bf and the girl above me ^ ^ ^ who simply like black culture and grew up around it so that's just a part of them...they're not EMULATING anything...they're BEING THEMSELVES

    But in the FIRST sentence im talking about little rich spoiled kids that listen to only MAINSTREAM hip hop and walk around sayin nugga and TyPe LiKe DiZ oN MiSpaCe or however the h3ll they do it....they usually take a bajillion pics of themselves being "gangster"....and for some odd reason they always join a d@mn gang....i knew this lil rich girl and she used to be paris hilton's lil look alike tell me why the girl is a blood now....girl please....dont start...she thinks smokin weed and partyin everyday and "livin her life" is cool...d@mn girl still in a training bra...barely a sophmore....they do this because they think being black is cool...they wouldnt last one d@mn day in the hood....they would freak out if they were racially profiled on a daily basis....but hey it's a quick laugh for me


    Fake black people are to me, black people that dont wanna be black

    They act what is called BOUGIE....(prounounced boo-scghee...yes that's how it's pronounced) They think they are too good to be they didn't come from the hood and even if they didn't they're too good to be part of a people who live in the hood...they tend to act as if they are above everyone and want to be something they're the end of the day, they're skin is as dark or even darker than mine and they're sh*t....smells just like yours and mine....but you can't tell them that....oh nooo you can NOT tell them that...they think they're sh*t smells like flowers....but then again this isn't JUST in the black race....there are whites mexicans etc. like this....

    I love black people....i love all just callin it how i see it....

    Nuff said

  2. Lmfao.

  3. gwen stefani

    oops kidding (:

  4. well I've been dissed for being a white girl who likes hip hop music. Some people think im trying to be black but im a fake. but i've never ever said im trying to be black i just enjoy the music and whats so wrong about that. people like that really annoy me! So anyway in respose to your question it could be referring to white people who like black music eg. hip hop.

    Or could refer to someone like eminem who is a rapper. well since a rapper is usually black but eminem is white so people may call him a fake black. its stupid it really is.

  5. Do some research and find out for yourself.

  6. I've heard that really light skinned blacks are also fake. Because they're not dark enough to be a "true" black.

  7. chavs

    but no seriously how can you be a fake black person?

  8. LMFAO. I am going to agree with Condra. She really hit alot of points. I love that story. Pot headed rich white girl. woo  hooo.

  9. Ebb-a-loanies.

  10. LOOL im sorry i cant answer but your question is funny

    ill give u a star instead =)

  11. Fergie is a faker..... Justin Timberlake is a faker... I could go on and on but I won't

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