
What are girls from newcastle like?

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im goin up their to uni soon and have started hearing rumors, are all or most geordie girls rowdy, drink too much, dress tarty, loud etc or are they clever, pretty, nice, dress well etc.




  1. we are awesome!!

    And i am quite sure that we are the same as lasses form anywhere else...although maybe a little bit better lookin and more fun haha!!

  2. wether your from newcastle, liveerpool, machester, birmingham, london, devon, wales, norwich, where ever, your always going to find girls like you described. Dont just steriotype what you ahev heard of geordie girls. everyones different, theres not like a different tribe of people for every city.  

  3. The most friendly girls in England in my opinion, I am a southerner and am amazed everytime I go up there how friendly everyone is, it helps that most are also good looking and dress scantily on a friday night as well!

  4. half are blonde and they are gorgeus so dont believe those rumors. i live there so i should know and some drink but not more than they should, they dress lovely and are very intelligent and only a small handful are loud

  5. They vary. Just like Spanish girls are some nice and some loud. Same with German, some nice and some loud. You can't really ask a question like that.

  6. We are all different.

    Most lads get told that we area all slags.

    But were not, you will meet every type of geordie girl at uni.

    Quite alot are have indie fashion sense to be honest :)


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