
What are good fundraisers?

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this is for my youth group at church, we just need some ideas to raise money. any help?

no dumb answers either, thanksss!

And we live in Alabama if that helps anything.

Oh and it's Baptist.




  1. candy sells always do good a cheap car wash wouldn't be bad either

  2. bakesale, carwash, and lemonadestand. me and some friends had a lemonade stand to raise money for hurricane katrina and we raised $700! hope i helped, and good luck! :D

  3. "Coin Barrels" or "Penny Wars" are a great, easy way for anyone to donate to. Even "Dollar Drops" where all that is needed is to donate a dollar or two. If you get a lot of people to donate, you will raise alot of money. Coins are easy to come by, as everybody has them. Alot of people can get involved in donating coins. Pennies are equally accessible, and you can get your schools involved, and have them save as many pennies as possible, the winner gets a prize. There are many things you can do to raise money, and it doesn't have to be expensive for you, or your donators.  

  4. Car washes are always popular. I've participated in donation-only car washes and I've found that people often donate more than what the car wash is actually worth because they don't want to appear stingy. Instead of charging a standard rate such as $5 per car, you might ask for donations only, and a lot of people might pay $10 or $20.

    A bake sale can be a good way to raise money too. If everyone in your church group bakes at least one item, you should end up with a nice assortment to sell to the public. Perhaps you could put up a stand outside of Wal Mart or some other popular location in town?

    Another good fundraiser is to organize a raffle. You can either do a 50/50 raffle where the winner receives 50% of the proceeds from the raffle, or you can raffle off specific items. If you choose the latter option, make sure that you'll be able to raise enough proceeds to more than cover the cost of the raffle prizes. Sometimes people will donate items for you to raffle off too. In this case, you can keep 100% of the proceeds. Perhaps you could visit local businesses and inquire about whether any would like to donate an item for the raffle. This will help your youth group to earn more money, and it will help the business by providing them free advertising and an improved public image. After all, businesses love positive publicity in which they are publicly seen performing acts of kindness. Sometimes stores and restaurants will donate gift certificates or specific merchandise, so don’t be afraid to go around and ask!

    Here's another idea: you could organize some type of charity dinner! Make sure you choose a dinner that's relatively inexpensive to make, such as spaghetti with dinner rolls and sweet tea. As long as you charge more for the dinner per person than the price of the food per person, you should be able to make a nice profit. Perhaps you could charge somewhere between $5 and $10? Maybe you could host the dinner right at your church, and you could get all the church members to come in addition to the friends and family of the youth group members.

    One last thought--you could host some type of golf tournament.  I'm not exactly sure how these generally work, but I've heard of several organizations hosting them to raise money.

    I hope these ideas help. Good luck!

  5. Coffee morning are good.... coffee and tea are cheap so you can make a profit easily. It will also bring people together and should be a good time.

    I held one a few years ago to raise money for charity and we raised over 300 pound in a couple of hours

  6. or sell candy or something. i was in a summer program, and we recently held a festival as a fundraiser...a raffle? bake sale? something in those lines...i guess

  7. In our city, New York City.

    Students are trying to sell cookies or candies on subways even thought it's illegal.

    I also have seen Hunter College student making funraising effort by offering CAR WASH for $5.

    My graduated school, High for Environmental Studies used bake sale, book sale for fundraising.

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