
What are hotdogs made out of?

by  |  earlier

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me and my friends were thinging wat were hot dogs made out of we tried to think pork but it doesnt taste like it so we wanted to kno fer sure what hot dogs were made out of.




  1. Usually beef or pork. If it is kosher beef then it is just the front no yuck. And pork it is made with all sorts of stuff whether its gross or not. Even if it is gross still eat them it is completely natural for humans to eat all that stuff. I like hot dogs a lot and I've heard some gross stuff about where they come from and I still eat them if they taste good that's all that matters oh and health  

  2. a little bit of this, a little bit of that.....

  3. Everything.

  4. oh no.... don't ask.  You will never eat another one.   Trust me.

  5. all kind of ground up mystery meat.. lol I think it's pig intestines. though some are chicken, beef, pork. I think it's the intestines of those animals.  

  6. they are made of

    meat, meat fat, a sort of filler like a cereal and some spices..I think if I remember  

  7. eveything would not usually consume.  think of the ingredient as things would would "dare" others to eat

  8. mechanically seperated lamb, pork, beef, or turkey or a combo of meats, spices, high fructose corn syrup.

    if you want to know exactly, read the label.

    now you know, aren't you grossed out?

  9. its basically made out of alot os sugar, meas, fats, and salt! u got a song in my head!!!

    fer sure maybe

    fer sure not

    fer sure eh

    fer sure bomb....

    ~the medic droid~

  10. Hot dogs are traditionally made from beef, pork, or a combination

    and some are even made of chicken or turkey

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