
What are my chances of conception??!!?

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Is there any chance of conception if you had intercourse the day AFTER ovulation was detected on your fertility chart?

I am still having EWCM, even though my chart indicates ovulation on the 13th, meaning I should be 4 DPO. We BD on the 14th and 15th, which was when i noticed abundant EWCM. The days prior to the charted day of ovulation there wasnt much CM at all.

I hate the thought that I was so close...yet so far to properly timed intercourse!!




  1. There is a slight chance you could have conceived. If not, then with the next cycle, start BD when the CM starts to become clear and BD every other day until after your chart shows ovulation. You want to make sure the sperm are already there and waiting.

    I hope you made the mark! Good Luck!!

  2. Absolutely.  Ovulation lasts for a few days, and if you had s*x anytime during those few days, you could easily be pregnant.  Buy your pregnancy test now, get one of those "5 day sooner" ones so you can take it before you even miss a period.  You won't get a false positive.  Good luck!!

  3. Hey sweets, My fingers are still crossed for  you......for us!!!!

    ****baby dust everywhere*******

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