
What are my possibilites?

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The first day of my last period was July 28, and my bf and i had unprotected s*x on August 7, and ive been having craps (which i never have), ive felt sick, and my b***s have been hurting for about a week and a half. what are my possiblities of being pregnant?

Could i be having these simptoms because of my period, pregnancy, or what? I'm really confused.




  1. go to a obgyn to make sure

  2. Those symptoms can be signs of your period, pregnancy, stress, or many other things.

    Unless you are checking your ovulation regularly, there is no way for you to tell if you were ovulating around the time of the unprotected s*x. I typically start having signs similar to yours a week before Aunt Flo arrives.

    Hon, you are sexually active. It is very important that you protect yourself properly. s*x is something to be taken seriously, and if you mess up one time, it could effect the rest of your life.

    If you are not pregnant and you do not want to be pregnant in the future, always make sure you have condoms (male or female) readily available. Also, go to the doctor (as any sexually active adult should) for pap smears, etc. Also, within the first 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, Plan B (or Emergency Contraception) can be taken to help prevent pregnancy. This is not a form of abortion, and the pill can be picked up from the counter of any drugstore if you are over the age of 18.

  3. If you do not know the answer to this question then what are you doing having s*x?

    We all make mistakes in having unprotected s*x, there can be any number of reasons why it happened and no one can say anything bad about that unless you are having unprotected s*x all the time. However there is no excuse what-so-ever for not seeking help when your birth control fails and there is also no excuse what-so-ever in not knowing the most basics of s*x and sexual anatomy – if you are having s*x then you need to be responsible! Pick up a god d**n book!

    A woman is only fertile for a few days out of her cycle, the day of ovulation (normally day 12-16) and a few days prior to ovulation when her body is creating fertile quality cervical mucus – this is what helps the sperm reach the egg and helps keep it alive in the v****a until ovulation. We do not know what your cycle is, only you can know this from knowing the length of your menstrual cycle and knowing when your fertile days are – although granted there is no way of knowing the latter for sure unless you are using birth control methods such as Fertility Awareness Method, but most women can tell they are approaching fertile days.

    If you did not have s*x during one of these fertile days then it is 100% biologically impossible for you to be pregnant – so, did you have unprotected s*x on one of these days? If you did then you are highly likely to be pregnant, if not then it is highly likely you are not. Either way you need to go and get yourself emergency contraception, you have left it too long to use emergency contraception from your doctor, you can still use home methods however these methods cannot be used unless you know what you are doing, you don’t. I do not imagine you want a child nor would you be mature or educated enough to care for one so you will need a pregnancy test as soon as is possible and decide what you want to do from there, whether it be abortion, adoption, or birth control for next time. If you are not in a long-term monogamous relationship with both you and your partner tested then you both need to go for STD tests too. I doubt by what you have said that you are pregnant, but you should know this yourself.

    Symptoms of pregnancy do not come on this quickly, if you have cramps and painful b*****s then chances are it is a menstrual issue – if under 20 years old then it is normal for your hormones to be erratic, make an effort to stop the cramps. As for feeling sick, or even the other symptoms, they are not pregnancy they are down to something else.

    Seriously – STOP HAVING s*x! – if you are really this unaware of s*x, sexual anatomy and how babies are made then you have no place having s*x, you are being hugely irresponsible, I can guarantee your s*x life is not nearly as enjoyable as it could be and simply there is no excuse for this level of ignorance. When you go to see your doctor ask for some information on s*x, contraception and conception, go to your library to get some books out, buy some books of your own and look online.

  4. To be honest, if you didn't use protection, your chances of being pregnant are high. I'm NOT saying that you ARE pregnant, but it is definitely a possibility. If you are not on birth control, you should expect to ovulate 5-7 days after your period (basically, on day 14 of your entire cycle). It varies for all women, as every body is different, but ovulating on day 14 is the average. If you are not aware, ovulation is your body's release of an egg to be fertilized. So, if you did have unprotected s*x during your most fertile time (which is ovulation), then YES, it is highly possible that you are pregnant. Wait until the day you are supposed to start your period (around the 28th of the month, per your cycle), and take a pregnancy test. If that one turns out negative, take another one about four-five days later. If you are pregnant, the test should definitely be positive by then. If you still aren't sure and you haven't had a period, go to the health clinic and get a blood test. They can tell you for sure.

    If you DO slide by this time, PLEASE use some sort of protection next time you have s*x. Go to the doctor, get on birth control, use condoms, etc. If you are NOT ready to have a baby, then use SEVERAL methods of birth control (condoms+birth control, etc.). Good luck and BE SMART!

  5. You should try a pregnancy test.  

  6. You really don't give enough information for one to make a scientific answer to this one because we do not know how normal your cycles are or how long they are etc. Average cycle is 28 days though healthy cycles can run from 21-36 days. For women with a 28-day cycle, ovulation (the release of the egg) should take place on about the 14th Day - or the very middle - of the menstrual cycle.

    I would however make a personal guess (not scientific even though I am in the medical field) that you are not pregnant because in general you can figure conception typically occurs about two weeks after your period begins which does not line up with your August 7 date.

    If you believe you might have gotten pregnant on August 7, you would only be 2 weeks into gestation. This may sound strange, but you're still not pregnant! Fertilization of your egg by the sperm will only take place near the end of this second week.

    My suggestion is wait until you actual miss a period and take a pregnancy test.

  7. Its sound like you are pregnant.

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