
What are pawnshops???

by Guest33991  |  earlier

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  1. Pawn shops do the following for you:

    A. You need cash to pay immediate bills etc.

    B. You have an item (lets say wrist watch worth 200.00

    C. Take it to pawn shop: they will appraise it and perhaps

    loan you 50.00

    D. They will keep the watch and give you 50.00 and you will have 30 days  approx. to come back in and pay your 50.00 plus a fee (around 12.50) and you will get your watch back.

    They are great if you have no one else to get you out of a jam.

    Good luck

  2. a pawn shop is where u go to trade your valuables for money..

    for example, if u really needed money do do something important and u had no cash on hand u can trade say, your jewellery, cell phone, etc.. for money

    of course u dont get its actual worth..

    u get a time period, to pay the money back to get back your items, but if u dont the deal is dead...

  3. pawn shops are places located all over where you can take your stuff to them, Jewlery, electronics, lawnmowers, just about anything and you can pawn it, where they give you money for it and set it in the back and you have so long to pay it off and get your item back, or you can sell it to them and they give you money for it and then they sell your item for more than they paid you for it. or you can go in and buy other items from them that people have already sold to them. If you aren't from the us i don't know if they have them where you are from, but here in the city i live in i can think of eight off the top of my head.

  4. A business where you go when you break up with your boyfriend because you find out he cheated on you. You bring all the jewelry he gave you and give it to some guy that works at the store, then he'll give you cash for the loot. Now take that cash and get a makeover and make your ex-boyfriend feel regret for what he did! BUT! Don't EVER take him back!
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