
What are "capsules?"?

by Guest65323  |  earlier

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I read a magazine and it was talking about capsules for say, softer skin or silker hair...I was wondering if you take them as a pill or squeeze whatever is inside them and rub it on your hair. Thanks for bearing w/ me...hehehe...




  1. A capsule is the little pill that looks like a plastic shell. It's not plastic, though... it's made of gelatin (yes, the same stuff in Jell-O).

    Gelatin itself is just the shell to hold in the ingredients, though... it's the contents that would make the difference. You would want to swallow the pill to get the benefits of it, too. I'm willing to bet the pills they were talking about had some combination of Biotin, Silica, MSM, Cysteine, Gelatin, and/or Hyaluronic Acid... those are the bigger ingredients that are good for hair and skin health. LMK if you have any more specific questions

  2. capsules are the ones that can be filled.

    pills are the hard powdery type without a coating or shell.

    as for your taking the supplements to augment hair growth and production, the pills/capsules are designed to supply the NUTRIENTS from the inside.  When hair reaches the outside of the body it's dead, too late for what is needed.
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