
What are race and ethnicity?

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What are race and ethnicity?




  1. there are only 3 races ..  as stated before ..    black white and yellow.  

    ethnicity is where your roots are from ..   such as..  mine is French and Italian.      No ones ethnicity is American ..    we are still a very young country .. we are only 200+ years old.   Where as China has been around for over 1000+ Years.            Our ancestors just arrived here a few 100 years ago ..   most of our roots *ethnicity* is either from Europe or Africa

  2. All humans belong to the same species:  Homo sapiens.

    It is common to divide the human species into separate "races" based on visible traits (such as skin color, facial features and hair texture).  Conceptions of race, as well as specific ways of grouping races, vary by culture and over time, and are often controversial for scientific as well as social and political reasons.  Scientific support for the Caucasoid, *******, Mongoloid terminology of racial classification is limited to forensic anthropology as an indicator for identifying skeletal remains.

    Ethnicity has to do with what ethnic / cultural group you associate with.  Examples:

    a caucasian who is Irish

    a caucasian who is Swedish

  3. Race is a classification based on physical characteristics and ethnicity is based upon cultural ones.  

    There are three great races Caucasion, *******, Mongoloid, but these can be sub-divided into any number of classifications such as semitic, amerindian, nordic etc.  More recently these sub-classes have been identified by DNA rather than visible characteristics.

    Ethnicity is based on identification with a particular national, regional, religious or cultural group.  

    For some reason Americans do not recognize "American" as an ethnic group, but identify themselves as hispanic-american, irish-american african-american etc.

  4. Humans are a single "race"...One species!

    Mongoloid, *******, Caucasoid, and sometimes Astraloid, are considered individual, ethnic differences (skin, hair texture, eye color) found on the various continents...

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