
What are reasons to marry?

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What are reasons to marry?




  1. i have often asked this to myself too. i guess some people like the "official-ness" of getting legally hitched, and also because it would be nice to introduce the person you love to your friends/colleagues as your wife/husband rather than boyfriend/girlfriend/partner.

    personally i think that if you love someone enough, you shouldn't need to have the whole shebang just to prove it.

    like most things in the world, it depends on the person i guess.

  2. To Live alone in Life is a worst thing, human beings need company. The one who shares the Life till the end is Life Partner. and to get inheritance, for the perpetual growth of family, Marriage is significant and importantly must.

  3. well....the most obvious is love (and also the one I like to think most people marry for) but there is also money, security, the fear or change, comfort, pitty. You could probably go on and on. Who knows the way that some people think.

  4. spiritual, financial, mental ,and then love  

  5. LOVE  

  6. I think there can be lots of reasons for a person to marry, I can categories them into two part physical and emotional.

    you need to have s*x and the most satisfactory kind of that is sleeping with you spouse that has got a lot of reasons itself. so s*x is one of the reasons that is both physical and emotional.

    After s*x that is the main reason, a happy mariage will give you a permanant friend who is much different from even your best friend, you will have same problems and same triumph.

    If one of you has a problem it would belong to your partner too.

    The next reason thet I can mention is if you don't get married you would feel lonely even among 100 of people, but if your spouse would be by you side you will feel safe and not alone.

    What I said was about a happy marriage. If you make a mistake and marry a wrong person, you will suffer from all of reasons above instead.

  7. Others are money,look and then love.

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